Sunday 10th July 2022 (’01), 15thSunday in Ordinary Time C
- Deut 30: 10-14
- Read 29:2-30:20 Moses’ homily of Promise&Threat, reflecting TheJerusalemTemple’sPriorities! (i.e making Yahweh support the Destruction-of-the- Canaanites!)
- What possessed the occasional ‘prophet’ to criticise TheTemple&TheLaw?
- THE PSALM 68:14, 17, 30-31, 33-34, 36-37.
- Read 68(69) 1-36! A great indignant hope-filled psalm-of-trust!
- What if this prayer is changed, by taking-out & sewing-together a quilt-of-shreds, into an excerpt that cannot be objected to by anyone?
- What of the claim that ‘liturgical prayer’ is domesticated & comatose?
- & rarely reflects the exigencies& vicissitudes of life-in-the-world?
- But merely reproduces the flattering cadences of temple ideology?
- COL1:15-20
- Am I able to acknowledge, then move to one side, the familiar&taken-for-granted’god-talk used of Jesus: so as to re-value & be amazed?
- Has Jesus as ‘principal of unity & reconcilliation’ been casually discarded? & Have I noted the reluctance, on all sides (why is this?) to propose ‘TheNewlyUnfoldedJesus as The Corner Stone of The Good Friday Agreement?’
- LK10: 25-37
- ‘Inherit!’ What is ‘eternal life,’ then? Heirloom? OffShoreAccount? Disease?
- But what if the lawyer glimpsed a deeper problem? Parable or no?
- What if ‘my heighbour isn’t a few people, but everyone?
- ‘If the priest can’t or won’t help, what hope has a mere lawyer?’
- ‘ Well, anyone but a Samaritan! At that, I just closed up!’
- ‘Telling me twice-over, “Do-this!” that makes it even less likely…!
- ‘Anyway, “eternal life” is simple! Obey, Pray, IgnoreAllElse..!’
- The presence & action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
Confidential memorandum to TheMostExcellentHighPriest Caiaphas!
Dispatched by trusted messenger from BarShemaya, Stalker of The Nazarene!
Greetings! May Heaven’sBlessings adorn YourExcellency!
The arrogance of TheNazarene is becoming boundless, & his continuing assaults on our HolyLaw&Temple have begun to disturb the allegiance, not merely of the populace, which needn’t surprise, but also some lower clerics&functionaries! As of now, I have not detected any dissatisfaction in the middle or higher grades of the clergy, but I continue in my very humble very privileged fashion, to be Ears&Eyes to YourExcellency in regard to TheNazarene & his machinations, (inspired, who could doubt, by Beelzebub, TheLord-of-Abomination! I make the sign of Aversion!) Only today near Jericho, he was offered a cheap opportunity by one of the weaker-minded Masters-of-TheLaw (ShimuelBarTolman! Undeserving of his uncompromisable office)! Something about love-of-neighbour, nothing very significant, really! But gave, as I said, an opening for one of that bloated Northerner’s meshalm! Stories of no real merit or truth, but unfortunately some folk are too easily impressed by what is typically of no substance! Suffice it to say for now, the minor clerics of TheTemple were slandered in his meshal, & the filthy heretical schismatics flattered! How long, YourExcellency, can we refrain from vindicating Heaven’sTruth? Fare You Well!’
TheLaw! UnnecessaryMilestone? GreviouslyMisrepresented?
ReplacedByTheChrist? StillAlive&Well&Valid? All&UtterlyPasse?
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