Weaving the Dangerous Lover

Weaving the Dangerous Lover 
(A heurism for enlivening the Liturgy of the Word:
towards a chunkier celebration of life in the world of now and here ….. )

* A short period of silence: attending to the breath: and one’s own presence.
* Enkindle a light in the centre of the group: while the coordinator reads the Shema.

Listen Israel,
Yahweh is our God, Yahweh alone
And you shall love Yahweh your God
With all your heart and all your soul and all your soul strength
Keep in your heart those commands of mine today
Recite them to your children
Think of them at home or abroad: whether busy or at rest
Bind them on your wrists as a sign: on your forehead as an emblem
Write them on the doorposts of your houses
And on your gates

Invocation to Wisdom  [All say the Opening Invocation to Wisdom or (to the Angel of the group)].
O You who dance throughout the Cosmos!
O You who strengthen the faith of disciples!
O you who are more precious than gold or silver!
Help us to listen and speak and choose
According to the mind of the Lord Jesus

Approaching a biblical passage or narrative
* Hear the first extract.
* Hear the relevant set of questions
       In view of our contemporary experience of the world,
       which question suggests itself as the matter of the work.
* Similarly for the other extract(s).
* Entertain the Overall Question.
* What action suggests itself: or concrete measures to be set in train?

Closing Invocation to Wisdom [All say the closing invocation to Wisdom]
O You who move in eyes and ears and mouth!
We thank you for being with us
And pray that our work will bear fruit
Through Christ Our Lord

* Extinguish the light.
* All sit in silence for some time: attending…..