Tracing the Sources

Tracing the Sources

Large boat-shaped kerbstone
At the back of passage mound
Traced with multi patterns
Spiral, horseshoe, oval and 
Concentric, chevron on the
Double, diamond-like, absence 
Of the sundial but band of plain
To separate or join, like shafts
Of light in tomb, December

I imagine all the little stones
As souls going home from 
Boyne to farthest shore
Their boatman long a-coming
Perhaps they wait reforming
The Keepers of the Mound
The Shapers that surround this
Earthen cavern, womb of
Corbelled roof

The basin bones warmed in the
Glow from granite, quartz and
Old greywacke when the sun 
Shines low and dark gains upper
Hand but not completely. I come
In summertime to savour here
This sense of ancient ritual
To ponder on our human history
Life, death, dreams and destiny

The river ripples on, Bó-anne(áin)
Like Inny, Camlin, Shannon
Its source in Trinity of Carbury
One source among the many
My thoughts go back
To source contributories from
Springs and channels of our
Cosmic story of fifteen billion 
Years through ocean of Eternity
                               Rose Moran