Sunday 9 July 2023 (’08) : 14thSUNinORDINARY : A
1. ZECH9:9-10!
Striking depiction-of-TheComingKing!
Victorious, humble, riding on a donkey!
He will Banish-All-TheInstruments-of-War!
HisReign-Over-All will be One-of-Prosperity&Healing&Wholeness!
2. PS144:1-2, 8-11, 13-14!
Why such-a-gap, between Eulogy-of-YAHWEH, &Dearth-ofHisRelevantEmbodiment?
3. ROM8:9, 11-13!
Sounds great! TheBreath-of-God-has-Made-HisHome-in-You! So why is there appar-ently such overwhelming desire in us, to Lead-UnSpiritual-Lives? Are we so spaced-out?
4. MT11:25-30!
One of the great, yet largely unexplored, GospelDeclarations! ‘MyBurden-is-Light…’
Who is right? Those who think ChurchMembership is TheAnswer?
Or those who think that it’s TheRealQuestion?
* Both! One’s for when you’re asleep! The other’s for when you’re awake!
* Depends if you’re rootin’ for ELOHIM, or YAHWEH!
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