Sunday 11 July 2021 (’00): 15th SUN in ORDINARY : B
1. AMOS7 12-15
- Read 1:1- 9:15! TheClaim of this terrifying prophet! ‘Yahweh will vindcate His Moral-Imperatives by every imaginable natural&historical disaster!’
- Mid 8th Cent BC, The Holy Land was divided into Judah (south) & Israel (north)!
- Prophet’: Declares by Word & Action TheWill of a divinity, say Yahweh or Baal!
- Who are the prophets of Mammon&Aphrodite&Dionysus&cet in Irish Society?
- How would I know that Yahweh’ was calling me to become ‘His Prophet’? &Have I any conception of what it would entail, for my safety&health&career?
- How is my Church contriving to neutralise ‘unwelcome or interfere with prophets’?
2. THE PSALM: 84:9-14
- Read 84(85).1-13(14)! Why was ‘Yahweh thought to have effective control over the processes of nature & history & politics?&Why was all-this ‘Justice-related’?
- ‘Peace!’: The ‘Fullness-of-Life’ imagined & yearned at a particular juncture!
- Mercy FaithfulnessJusticePeace! The ingredients & Concomitants of ‘Covenant’!
- How is covenant understood & valued & actualised & monitored in my Community?
- If I were ‘Yahweh’, what would be my Agenda for the local church of Armagh?
3. EPHl.3-14 ·
- The ‘Of&In&Through&UnderChrist SluaghGairm for another UrgentWrestle!
- ‘Christ!’: The Will to Universal Reconciliation embodied in Jesus (&Disciples… )
- How was Paul initiated into knowledge & actualisation of this Plan&Mystery?
- But is this rhetoric relevant or credible in contemporary Capitalist Society?
4. MK6:7-13
- ‘The Unclean Spirits/Devils!’: Various ‘dynamic Breaths’ (representing social& psychological& somatic & other factors) imagined to infest people & cause ‘illness’!
- ‘How do I visualise this ‘Authority Over’ passing from Jesus to The Twelve?
- These extremely spare& Spartan Mission Orders! Any equivalent nowadays?
- Is ‘The HomelessBeggingItinerantPreacher’ currently the Offer of ‘Repentance’?
- Repentance! Voluntary Total Transfer-of-Allegiance from Mammon to Yahweh!
- But seriously, is all this story anything more than a vaguely edifying fairytale?
- Which ‘Pairs” in my Community are being addressed in this excerpt?
5. The presence & action of the Blessed One, is it like this?
‘What about this new mission-initiative? I hear they’re to be called ‘Staffers’ since only they’ll have a staff of blackthorn, & clothes from Oxfam!’ The Practicing Sceptic spoke casually, but interested! ‘Or is it all as yet under wraps? Spring it on the plebs?’ After a will-I won’t- I pause, The Official Believer responded, as if to a child, ‘No, as far as I’m aware there’s nothing in the pipeline! perhaps someone was heard quoting from the missionary discourse in one of the Synoptics .. ‘ ‘Oh, like Augustine conveniently overhearing …’ … & fabricated a caricature, so as to subvert the forthcoming diocesan mission. ‘ ‘You mean, they will have bread & haversack, &coppers in their purse?’ ‘Of course! All those words of Our Divine Lord are inspired allegorical… ‘ ‘But will they get to stay in the houses? Ah shake the dust from under their feet?’ ‘Listen, it’s inspired & allegorical & a-child-of-its time! OK?’ ‘OK, Bossuet!
I just thought I’d heard an interesting initiative! Fine, fine….. Everything’s in hand…!”
6. RIDDLE Which is more needed in my Church?
Piety. Controversy, or Authority?
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