Sunday 30 July 2023 (’08) : 17thSUNinORDINARY : A
(&Look! Martha, Ignatius, &Alphonsus, all in one week!)
1. 1K3:5, 7-12!
If I got a similar as Solomon, what Gift-above-all would I ask?
2. PS118:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130! (Utter chicken-feed!)
What is YAHWEH’s-Word-to-Me, conveyed through TheJesusBehaviours?
3. ROM8:28-30!
Imagine! If-I-LoveGod, He’ll-Turn-Everything-to-MyGood!!
TheKingdom-of-Heaven? A Set-of-LivedPriorities, &Only-TheBest-is-Acceptable!!
What is preventing me from Seeking&Attaining-only-What-is-Best?
* Maybe it’s Safer&Easier to Settle-for-Second-or-ThirdBest?
* I’ve been taught only to Worship-Jesus,
not to Embody-HisCompassion-for-Now!
* I haven’t yet Realised-TheSignificance-of-
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