Sunday 24th September 2023 (’05) : 25thSUNinORDINARY : A
1. IS55:6-9!
What enables me to discern if myThoughts&Ways are Yahweh’s? &To ensure they are!
2. PS144:2-3, 8-9, 17-18! (Pity this ancient piety-song, so grossly shredded! &Why?)
Great stuff about Yahweh! But, isn’t the point, How will this mind become mine, too?
3. PHIL1:20-24, 27!
TheGreatIntention! How will myWholeLife-become-Christ, nothing more nothing less?
4. MT20:1-16!
This ironic, highly circumstantial story, that challenges everyday expectations! Which character to identify with? In my world, is true generosity envied resented feared?
HEARTSONG OF SELF'S WHOLENESS May myGreatness, root&branch&fruit, beHumility! May I be Covenant-Kind, &Full-of-Compassion! May Anger&Fear&Hatred never Camp-in-MyHeart! May I be Just-in-Myself, &SeekJustice-for-Each! May I NeverClose-my-Heart to AnyWhoCalls! May I be Truly-Generous, to Enemies-as-well-as-Friends! May MyWholeLife-become-Christ, Amen!!
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