Sunday 01MAY 2022(‘01): 3RD SUN of EASTER : C
1.AA5:27-32, 40-41
- Read 5:17-42! Apostles&Temple&Jesus&ThePeople!
- What other biblical narratives are evoked? & What aspects of my own local church?
- Read LK22:39-23:49! Where was Gamaliel’s moderate voice on that occasion?
- Or Pilate’s moderate if ineffectual voice on this occasion?
- How can Peter, who denied Jesus, now seek to blame TheHighPriest?
- ‘Obedience!’: In terms of ‘adult conscience‘, how do I discern ‘God’ & ‘Man’?
- ‘Humiliation!’: Why does this excerpt omit ‘TheFlogging’ (v40)?
- How risky is public&prophetic profession of Jesus in my local church?
2. THE PSALM 29:2, 4-6, 11-13
- Read29(30)1-12(13)! A condition of Illness or Oppression or DarkMood or Peril,
- was reckoned to be equivalent to sojourn in ‘TheRealmOfDeath’!
- Will it make a difference if this psalm is sung by a woman or a man?
- How might the listening EucharisticGroup ourselves become ‘TheSavingYahweh’?
- ‘Cos it’s clear from Jesus’ case, that Yahweh does nothing unless I do it!
- How do we imagine ‘Yahweh’ ( Or other narrative divinities like ‘Dionysus’)?
3. APOC5:11-14
- Read 4:1-6:17! Beginning of the complex obscure ‘Ritual-of-Unveiling’!
- Is there a basis in APOC for a much more ‘ecological‘ worldview than usual?
- ‘PowerRichesWisdomStrengthHonourGloryBlessing!’: In Irish society, who has the giving of these? who receives them? & where am I in it all?
- To what extent might this scenario be the wishful thinking of TheOppressed?
4. JN21:1-19
- Read 21:1-25! Why has Simon/Peter such a prominent role in these final stories?
- Read JN18:15-17! What does this ‘TripleDenial’ mirror in my discipleship?
- Is the problem of ‘recognisingJesus‘ an important reminder to myChurch?
- What about the tension between the ‘ecclesial’ images of Fish&Lambs?
- Have I found that thoroughgoing ‘AdultDiscipleship’ is the ‘Death’?
- ‘LoveMe/FeedMine!’: What does this ‘interrogation’ hint about ‘JesusIntimacy’?
5. The presence*action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
‘God, Gertie, wha’ happened ya? Y’were cryin’! Excuse me f’r askin’, but was Herkalays up til ‘is tricks again?’ ‘No, y’re right, Cissie! but it was nothin’ like…’ ‘My fellss just as likely t’ try ‘is gatchees, ‘cept knows ‘e wouldn’t get away wit’ it’ ‘cos Cissie’s ..’ ‘ Looka, Cissie this jus’ came on me above ..’ ‘At Mass?’ ‘They were readin’ th’ stuff, an’ suddenly I hears, “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep!”, the man above an’Peter..’ ‘Yeah th’ first pope..’ ‘An suddenly like a big hot wave, didn’t I think a’ th’ poor wee lambs over in Louth..’ ‘ God, Gertie, I never..’ ‘An’ all their mothers an’ fathers!’ ‘God it’s a fright altogether! an’ all the other animals! all over in..’ ‘He said it was like a sacrifice! for th’ sins a’ society, th’ celtic tiger!’ ‘Wha’?’ ‘Though a’m not sure about that: ‘The man-above wouldn’t be that cruel, would he, Cissie..?’ ‘Gertie, it’s comin’ on meself now, th’ hot wave, like’! thinka th’ people over there, thereselves! God, will th’ ever recover?’ ‘Well, Cissie, let’s offer up our drinks the day f”r them all!!’ ‘Sure what more can we do?’ ‘God’s truth, Cissie! What more can any of us do!!’
6. RIDDLE Which is more nourishingly real? Apostolic legends?
Eucharistic Community? Apocalyptic Fantasies?