The Most Holy Trinity Cycle C 2022 (’01)


1. PROV8:22-31

  • Read 8:1 – 9:6! But what, if anything, have ‘Wisdom’& ‘Yahweh’ in-common?
  • & Who is this so-alluring & so-versatile divinity called ‘Wisdom’? (SIRACH 24!)
  • ‘Created’!: Why does this poet seem to subordinate ‘Wisdom’ to ‘Yahweh’?
  • Can I name 3FemaleBiblicalCharsters who are not subordinated to males?
  • How does the poet imagine

            The methods by which Yahweh unfolded&arranged ‘TheWorld’?

            TheAppearance&Attributes of Her-Who-is-0Called’Wisdom’?

            The Appearance&Attributes of Him Who-is-called ‘Yahweh’?

            Their modes of CollaborativeSynergy?

2,  THE PSALM: 8:4-9

  • Read 8:1-9! Celebration& Assertion of human dignity&dominion!
  • But is this poet somewhat-less-aware,  both ecologically&cosmologically?
  • If the other species are ‘under our feet’, what hope have they got? Unless ‘we’ free ourselves from our customary ‘biblical chauvinism‘, &rediscover ‘Wisdom’!
  • Why is it presumed that the divinity of GEN 1 is also the ‘exodus divinity’?
  • What if David planned a ‘religious composition’ analogous to Constantine’s ?
  • ‘LittleLessThanAGod’! But if he is infested with one of ‘TheOtherGods’?
  • Say, Dionysius Artemis Hermes Aphrodite! Or Yahweh, TheMoodyOne, Himself!

3.  ROMS 1-5

  • As context, who will brave the ‘carrick-a-rede’, to read all-of-this-great-epistle?
  • ‘ByFaith-through-Jesus!’: What? Very simple? Or very obscure or, just shattering?

4.  JN 16:12-15

  • Read 16: 1-33! ‘TheseThings’? TheAdvocate TheFather ThatDay Peace TheWorld!
  • ‘Spirit/Father/Mine’!  Another hint that was woven into ‘TheTrinity’!
  • In 25words, can I guess&express ‘EverythingTheFatherHas’?
  • What are the 20principal Resources that make-up ‘MyWorld’?
  • In what sense have I been given access to ‘TheCompleteTruth’?
  • What assures me that ‘TheSpiritOfTruth’ is not being ‘muzzled’?
  • What diverse voices are diversely ‘TellingMeOfTheThingsToCome’?

5. The Presence &Action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Gertie, d’ya know what he told us above this mornin’? ‘God, Cissie, I hope he didn’t come out wi’ somethin’ rash!’ ‘Wait’ll y’ hear! TheTrinity’s th’ best thing God ever told us about Hisself!’ ‘I don’t know now, Cissie! What about OurDivineMother? An’ Th’Infant a’Prague? An’ Th’ThirdSecret?’ ‘An’ listen! ‘Cos it’s a mystery, we really don’t know nothin’ about it! It might as well be in greek!’ ‘That’s what I thought all along…’ ‘except that it’s th’ rale m’coy, whatever language, an’ whatever y’ think..’ ‘An’ what about th’ man above? Does He figure at all?’  ‘Right there in th’ middle, he said! Called Him Th’SecondPerson! He’s th’ word made flesh, like in th’ Angelus!’ ‘God, don’t let on t’ my fella, he’s always foamin’ at th’ mouth, an’thun c’n start th’ fool rantin’. God, where’d I get ‘im from, Cissie? He’s like th’plagues of Egypt!’ ‘I know Gertie! Tha’ fella’s been y’r cross an’passion.’ ‘That’s th’ why Gertie’s trinity’s Our divineMother an’ Her 2 dacent men! ‘Cos nothin’ else ‘ll manage that lucifer a’ mine, God forgimme!!’

6. RIDDLE.   The Trinity! Which is more imperative? Visualise, Interpret,

                        DanceWith, Demythologise, or JustEmbrace It?

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