1 NUM6·22-27
- Read 6 1-27!A strange relic from the past? Or a clue to some of our obsessions?
- ‘Yahweh&Moses&Aaron&Sons-of-Israel!’. What is this channel-of-power?
- Is it arguable that ‘true-blessing’ must ultimately derive from the mother?
- Can I create an appropriate ‘MaryMotherBlessing’ for contemporary children?
- Why is ‘Yahweh’ imagined as a ‘ShiningFace’? Again, is this actually ‘TheMother’?
- Especially, the claim that faces of Brides&Mothers-in-Birth shine-with-light!
- How is Yahweh ‘UncoveringHisFace’&’BringingPeace’ into my local church?
2 THE PSALM:66 2-3, 5, 6, 8 (Why those ‘scraps’ thrown-away?)
- A modest&decorous song to ‘God’, TheTempleDivinity, ‘Praise&Blessing’!
- What about ‘TheCult-of-TheFace’ in modern secular&religious iconography?
- Especially church leaders&saints&gurus! &market&political&media icons1
- How is TheShining of God’s or Yahweh’s Face relevant to this festival?
- Why is ‘God’ generally portrayed Without BrotherSisterDaughterFatherMotherUncle?
- What is TheGreatBlessing yearned-for in my local church?
- GAL4·4-7
- Read 3:1 – 5.1!The tangled relations of Law&Promise&Redemption!
- The insistence on ‘Sons’ in this excerpt, how is it affected by the solitary ‘Woman’?
- Is there a hint that ‘Adoption/Redemption’ is deeply connected with ‘Woman’?
- In what ways are contemporary women called to the ‘healing of men’?
- Is ‘biblical revelation’ as a whole, truly capable of valuing ‘woman-as-healer’?
- &Has TheChurch managed to combine ‘Honour-of-Mary’ & ‘Disvaluation-of-Women’?
- But are ‘christians’ increasingly prone to ‘enslavement’ by ‘the modern world’?
- LK2·16-21
- In which other biblical stories do ‘angels’ speak to ‘shepherds’? (Say, GEN18)
- What in the shepherds’ words would have ‘astonished’ people?
- ‘Treasure&Ponder” Is this a reference to a mother’s-wisdom? Or, for-all?
- What did the shepherds think or do, about the ‘baby lying in the manger’?
- ‘Circumcision!’: Read GEN17! Men, sure! but how were women included?
- How is the naming of children different from naming pets or boats or storms?
- ‘PraisingGod!’· How is this ‘God’ connected With Mary as ‘Mother-of-God’?
5 The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
WE SING THE MOTHER OF ALL Lady' You set your throne in the pillar of cloud! Lady' You smile in sun&moon&stars! Lady' You brighten every soul you touch! Lady' You breathe into our eyes at birth! Lady! You gladden families, flocks, &fields! Lady' You shepherd all who stumble or stray! Lady' You handsel artist, player, &poet! Lady! You gather us into the realm at death! Lady! Your heart&breasts&womb, the-all!
Mary Mother of God! A 15000year-old dogma, now passe?
A strong declaration of the dignity of all women? A statement
of the importance of woman for Jesus, &a fortiori, for TheChurch?