Sunday 26st Sept 2021(‘03): 26h SUN in ORDINARY B
- Read 11.1-35! Another notorious Yahweh-narrative, as it seems! Much of the negotiation is between Yahweh&Moses! But Yahweh keeps HisOptions always!
- In terms of the storyteller’s agenda, is it significant ThePeople ultimately blamed?
- The choice of excerpt, does it make all seem benign&genial? But wouldn’t it change everything totally, if Moses’ wish was fulfilled?
- Whatever about ‘ConfirmationRhetoric’, where is the evidence that Yahweh has actually ‘GivenHisBreath’ to all the adult disciples in my local church?
- Even ‘TheElders’ in the excerpt! They ‘spoke once in ‘TheSpirit’, &then, mum…
2.THE PSALM: 18:8, 10, 112-14 (Tho’ the whole psalm is worth a bar!)
- Read 18(19):1-14! A devotional exchange for Yahweh’s Work&Law&Redemption!
- ‘TheLaw-of-Yahweh!’: ‘LoveMe! By loving each other, &everyone, unselfishly’!!
- Have I found that my struggle to embody this ‘Biggie’ truly revives my soul?
- What are The7Evidences of ‘TheRevival-of-MySoul’?
- What are The7Evidences that it’s ‘ImbuedMeWithWisdom’?
- Has this total psalm come from a WisdomEnvironment, unlike NUM above? ‘Cos it represents a very different ‘Yahweh-in-Action’, less ‘bi-polar’!
- How prevalent in my local church is anxiety about hidden or forgotten ‘sin’?
- Read 5:1-19! Warning to TheRich(who-them?), Exhortation-to-Patience, Prayer-is-Powerfull-in-ManyWays, Care-for-OneWhoFallsAway! Anything that touches me?
- Will this excerpt be condescendingly shrugged-off? As if we were not very ‘rich’?
- If I read it slowly&carefully, does it assume for itself more ‘actuality”?
- To what extent is our indulgent lifestyle ‘corroding’ our ‘total health’?
- Is a sort of ‘karma’ being accumulated by unselfaware life-in-the-world’?
- My ‘first-world’ consumption of food&energy, at whose expense is this?
- TheInnocent? In IraqCroatiaWestAfrica? Children&Media? Threadbare Catechesis?
4, MK9:38-43, 45, 47-48
- Read 9:2-49! The disciples inability to comprehend HisImpendingDeath!
- Why are ‘disciples’ forever trying to redeem Jesus from HisOwnDifficultChoices?
- ‘NotOneOfUs’: Has this criterion been over-invoked, despite what Jesus says?
- &Has ‘OneOfUs’ been uncritically used, so as to condone all sorts of ‘falsity’?
- Can I adequately value the passion that underlies all these Jesus-Sayings’?
Anyone who is not against us, is for us!
Even a cup of water, for Chrissake, is rewarded!
Whatever causes you to sin, recognise it, & take resolute action!
- RIDDLE Why isn’t my local church struggling,
That all adults receive TheBreath-of-Yahweh?
That all souls are revived, &imbued-with-Wisdom?
That our wealthy lifestyle is seen in-context?
That our chauvinistic self-righteousness be rooted out?
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