Sunday 13th March 2022 (’01) 2nd Sunday of Lent Year C
ADBI notes from Sun 11th.March 2001
1. Gen 15.5-12, 17-18 (vv13-16, something too blatant?)
- Read 15 1-21! A nomadic charter! The fantasy of becoming a ‘settled people’ through
- The Promises&Exertions of their intimately-bonded divinity!
- Nile-to-Euphrates! Would the indigenous peoples have to leave, die, or be enslaved?
- Why do the ‘patriarchal’ narratives portray such a ‘user-friendly-Yahweh?’
- In contrast, say, to the moody unfrabjous divinity of the ‘exodus’ stories?
- ‘Justified!’ : If I am totally-rooted-in-Yahweh, I am thereby ‘right-with-Him!’
- How do ‘YahwehConversations’ (as in this story) take place nowadays?
- The techniques&symbolisms&theatrics of ‘Covenant,’ where are they for me?
2. THE PSALM 26.1, 7-9, 13-14
- Read 26(27) 1-14! TheShoutSong of the totally-committed to TheMoodyOne!
- Or is it also just another of TheTemple’s rhetorical flourishes? (Read IS6!)
- What about a world,
Where night (apart from full moon) was darkness-enveloped?
Where ‘normal life’ was at risk from marauders famines plagues?
Where ‘philosophy’ and ‘science’ were unavailable, for ‘alternative answers!’
Where a religious elite basically unaccountable, basically ran the show?
Where dreams feelings symptoms accidents failures were ‘spirit-induced!’
3. PHIL3. 17-4:1 (Why is a shorter form offered?)
- Read1 1-4:23 Glimpse of the Vicissitudes of Preachers&theirCommunities!
- Is this English Version (Jerusalem) somewhat starchy&euphemistic?
- In my world, what are The10Characteristics of ‘AnEnemyofChrist’sCross?
- What about Paul’s 4BriefPreacher’sBites concerning them?
- In what sense can ‘TheLordJesusChrist’ subdue TheWholwUniverse?
- ‘Faithful-in-the-Lord!’ What above-all enables me to behave in my world as Jesus did in His? & is this important resource scarce, or renewable?
4. LUKE 28-36
- Read 9:1-62 Narrative tableau exploring the disciple’s ambivilant many-sidedness.
- ‘Moses&Elijah!’ Two blocks of extremely varied and overflattered narratives!
- ‘Mountain!’ Every mountain is Sinai! & Whoever climbs it Frees-from-Egypt!
- What indications in this narrative, that Jesus is ‘TheOneWhoIsToCome?’
- Why does Peter seemingly want to ‘retain’ Moses&Elijah with them?
- Did the early desciples find it difficult to accept that ‘JesusAloneSuffices?
- But have i too been enabled & encouraged to ‘TransformHim’ into-my-now?
- What significant ‘ transformational factors’ did the desciples endure there?
5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
Amen! TheNew&EternalCovenant-of-the-BlessedOne! Made in This-One’s blood&Breath&Bone! Consummated all the days & all the nights! Between Yochanaan’s
Shout-at-Jordan & This-One’sShout-at-Golgotha! TheTwoPlaces-of-GreatBreath! & like
FullMoon between TheTwoBeginnings, Moment-of-Stillness, Moment-of-Fire! On Holy Thabor, Mountain-of-Ascents, TheAngel-of-TheAncestralPilgrims embraced This-One!
TheBirth&Death-of-This-One into TheKiss-of-Shekinah! TheLongedFor, TheUnimaginable The Unlosable! TheSeal-of-Total-Investment-of-TheName! Amen!
6. RIDDLE Which ‘ExodusImage’ is paramount? WildernessRamCovenantSea MountainTestingCloudComplainingFireSerpentTentFlood?
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