Sunday 13thNovember 2022 (’01) 33rdSunday in Ordinary Time Year C
- MAL 3:19-20
- Read 3:1-4-6! A polemical Yahweh-word, peevish&tender&recriminatory!
- What is fruit-for-now of ironic alertness to this & similar ancient oracles?
- Or are the HebrewYahwisticProphets merely obsessive paranoiacs?
- ‘TheArrogant & TheEvilDoers!’ : Granted it’s never one’s own crowd!
- Probably it’s you-know-who in Northern Ireland or Palestine or that housing estate!
- What-really is ‘ Yahweh’ that it expresses itself in such sectarian fashion?
- What 3Factors will reorientate society’s slither- into- nihilistic-chaos?
- THE PSALM : 97:5-9
- Read 97(98): 1-9! A ShoutSong for TheReturn-of-theConqueringHero! &
- Is it purely ‘pathetic fallacy,’ or does ‘Yahweh’sReturn’ constitute a palpable change?
- Not to ignore the omitted references to’ HisHand&Arm&Victory!’ Say-it, ‘War!’
- But has ‘ Yahweh’ even got to ‘rule-the-world’ never mind ‘justice?’
- Unless ‘Yahweh’ is over-hastily equated with ‘colonialist Christainity!’
- Why am I still clinging to the fantasy of ‘Yahweh’ or(‘ God’ or ‘Jesus’) as ‘King!’
- & perhaps theMusic &EarthApplause is actually another divinity…
3. 2THESS: 7-12
- To whom have I serendipity to offer myself as ‘role-model?’
- What are the 10 ‘Acceptable’RoleModels’ in my local church? Who are boo-boo?
- Which ‘ChristianMinistries’ are not, in some respects, ‘free-loading?’
- In the absence of a properly- negotiated ‘Aim’ for the local church, how will it be feasible to determine what is’ Imitation’ & ‘Idle’&’ Example’ & ‘Work’ & ‘Food?’
- Currently, what are The10Rules-of-Engagement in my local church?
- From this excerpt, what’ UtterPriorityForTheLocalChurch’ can I derive?
- LK21: 5-19
- ‘RestorativeJusticeWeek!’ : Formerly Prisoner’s Week! Which-justice?
- Which- prisoners?
- ‘The-Temple!’ But which-religion’s ‘fine stonework & votive offerings?’ One’s-own?
- Has anyone ever truly-read ‘The-Signs-of –the-Times,’ & been subsequently heeded?
- ‘TakeCare!’ How would I know that someone was deceitfully speaking-for-Him?
- ‘WarFaminePersecutionBetrayalHatred!’ : This must be about TheEarlyChurch! Or
- Some other crowd, like TheBuddhists! Sure, won’t ourChurch last-forever!’
- In what 15Ways are IrishDisciples being Persecuted&Betrayed&Deceived?
- ‘NotAHair!’ : What signs, that ‘ AdultDiscipleship’ is being nourished&deepened?
5. The presence & action of TheBlessedOne is it like this?
‘Friend! I must say you appear to be more preoccupied than usual!’
‘Sir, I greatly value your sensitive words! & The opportunity to speak…’
‘As always, Friend, speak your-mind, friend-to-friend!’
‘This, Sir, is my question! As chaos re-asserts, &our all-to-flimsy discipline, &our all-too-ramshackle-for-now structures have already buckled, where are you, Sir, in the truculent disorder?’
‘Friend, I am always here, &always there! &always stationed-in friendship with you.’
‘Only with me?’
‘&whoever struggles to root their totality in deepest-friendship! With-me, all-other, the-earth!’
‘Sir! You enthuse & yet you disturb me! What of the ancient&traditional&canonical&institutional voices that beg to speak for you?’
‘Friend! You know from our fruitful struggles together how it is between us! &How it must be with the flimsy structures & faltering advocates! What-more?’
6. Riddle Justice-for-whom? Prisoners Mothers Children Teachers
Animals Immigrants Disciples Poor Aged?