Sunday 23rd April 2023 (’08) : 3rdSUNofEASTER A
1. AA2:14, 22-23!
TheOutpouring-of-TheHolyBreath is the most trustworthy Witness-to-TheResurrection
In what 5Ways is TheChristBreath tangibly-at-work in my local church?
2. PS151:1-2, 5, 7-11!
What is enabling me to Discern&Walk-on-ThePath-of-Life? Namely, TheChristPath…
3. 1PET1:17-21!
‘TheEnd-of-TheAges’! TheWorldShift of 2012? Or, EverTime-I-TrulyAwaken?
4. LK24:13-35!
Imagine, if He Walked&Talked-TheBiblicalWord-with-Me-on-All-my-Paths?
Imagine, if He SatSolid-with-Me-in-EverySharing-of-Food&Drink?
What do I HankerFor? HisPast or Present or Future UnHiding&UnVeiling?
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