4th Sunday of Easter Cycle A 2023 (’08)

Sunday 30th April 2023 (’08) : 4thSUNofEASTER A

1. AA2:14, 36-41!

‘Repent’! ‘Do all in your power, &byChristPower, to Transform-YourMindset, from one that seeks only your own advantage, to one that Shares-Everything-with-All, &ActivelySeeks-TheHealing&Wholeness-of-All! Even if this calls for a shake up!

2. PS22:1-6!

‘Yeah, He’s myShepherd, sorta! But in what ways am I HisSheep, huh?’

Any helpful clues for me in this SheepSong? What I want? Or what I need?

3. 1PET2:20-25!

Did TheChrist Do-It-All-for-Us? Or leave an Example, How We’ll Do-It-for-Ourselves?

4. JN10:1-10!

How much of this parable, &its ‘explanation’, can I find in my local church?

Which of the four characters in the parable do I most identify-with?


If I’m Sheep, who’s MyShepherd? &How is the complex relationship developing?

If I’m Shepherd, who’s MySheep? Am I also being Supervised&Mentored?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie