4th Sunday of Advent Cycle A 2022 (’01)

Sunday 18th December 2022 (’01) : 4th Sunday of Advent Cycle A

  1. ISAIAH 7: 10-14
  • Read 7:1-8:22! Is ‘National Disaster’ inevitable? Or ‘Yahweh’s Retribution’?

Or the play of ‘PoliticalSelfInterest’?

Or ‘TheAssertionOfTranscendentFactors’?

  • How do I discern TheWill-Of-Yahweh’ for my local church? Or for myself?
  • In what situations does the leadership of TheIrishChristian Churches ask Yahweh for a sign, in the immanent ‘crisis’? Or, is this part of the ‘strategy’ at all?
  • Test/TemptYahweh!’ Why (&whence) was it prohibited to ‘testYahweh’?
  • Son!’ TheQueen giving-birth to a male heir symbolises Yahweh’s gracious favour towards the dynasty! Has my local church any comparable ‘sign-of-favour’?

2. THE PSALM 23:1-6

  • Read 23(24): 1-10 ‘Yahweh-the-King’ Creator-of-All! Who-are-his-chohorts?

How will He Enter-His-Temple? & Where is all this in IrishSociety?

  • Who are the favoured ‘OutRiders-of-Yahweh’ in my local church?

Is this excerpt’s fantasy, that they must all be men, still the norm in spite of everything?

  • The self-reassured ’TempleAuthority’ in this excerpt, to what extent has it been recapitulated in TheChurches’ management of Difference&Dissent?
  • Must the claim that ‘Yahweh-Owns-All be stringently contested?

3. ROM1:1-7

  • Can I express the marrow of this excerpt in 30words of current English?
  • Apostle/SentOut!’. Is he ‘One-of-the-Twelve’? Or a sort of ‘Bishop’? Or just ‘Awake’?
  • What is inhibiting me from expressing ‘MyTrueFaith’ by speeches&letters

Or did Paul have to get special permission to ‘minister’? (Read GAL1:1-2:21!)

  • Have I discovered that ‘Belonging-to-JesusChrist is ‘goodnews’ in any way?
  • Could ‘TheRomanChurch’ learn from us, as it presumably learned from Paul?

4. MT1:18-24 (And v25?)

  • Read1:1-25! What if TheGeneology is as significant as TheBirthStory?
  • ThroughTheHolySpirit!’. In what aspects of Jesus’Unfolding, in its complexity, was ‘TheHolyBreath’ active? Which OTNaratives&Psalms give a clue to this?
  • What if ‘TheHolyBreath’is significantly involved in TheEmergence of each child?
  • Did Joseph know of ‘TheBreath’ both before&during&after that dream

&Was he more concerned about ThePregnancy, or ThePresence of ‘TheHolyBreath’?

  • What are The7Ways in which the storyteller explores Jesus’ complex origins?

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?


Yes, TheMother! Attended with love TheWhisperer!

Yes, TheAngel!’ Weaver sweet&bitter

Yes,TheFather! Gathered the threads-of knowing!

Yes, TheFriendship! Mix&melt&mould!

Yes, TheDreamer! Arrowing beyong the moment

Yes, TheFamily! Dance of many&one

Yes, TheEagle! Carried us there&back!

Yes, TheBreath! Before&during&always

6. RIDDLE Jesus, whoseSon-for-Now?


God’s? Joseph’s? TheHolyBreath’s?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie