Sunday 12th.February 2023 (1996) 6th.Sunday in Ordinary A
1. ECCLUS/SIRACH 15: 15-20
Read ECCLUS/SIR 14:20-15:20 Another example of the disarmingly sanguine&optimistic mindset: which imagines that Rhetoric&Knowledge! will give birth without further ado, to appropriately virtuous behaviours, either in oneself or others!
- What hints do I receive that ‘Unconscious Factors’ are at work in me?
- What am I currently identifying as ‘TheTrueWisdom’?
- What Rituals&Methods&Processes am I working, so as to embrace This?
- What aspects of my total experience, are represented by ‘Fire&Water?’
- In what sense is one of these dimensions less valuable or desirable than the other?
- How am I affected by this Fantasy, of Yahweh as a ‘Censorious Watcher?’
- What about the somewhat hectoring&truculent tone of this extract?
- &How about the pervasively masculine texture of this English Version?
- Which phrases of the extract would I want to test against my adult experience?
2. 1COR2: 6-10
- The wisdom that weaves in my adult experience: how describe It?
- How do I represent the relatedness between this Wisdom & myself?
- How does It stand vis-a-vis what Paul means as ‘Wisdom?’
- What counts as ‘Maturity’ in my Church/Community? What are the ‘Criteria?’
- Who declares&applies the Criteria for ‘Wisdom’ in my Community?
- In Paul’s Community, how will people actually reach ‘Maturity,’ without ‘Wisdom?’
- If Paul were here now, would he still say TheMasters had come to their End?
- Who are TheMasters, whose Thinking Example Imperatives dominate this Age?
- How can the modes of Initiation of AdultEducation be more affective?
- ‘Crucify the Lord of Glory’: why does he choose such emotive&tendentious terms?
- As One-who-loves-God, what do I imagine is being ‘prepared for me?’
- What opportunities exist in my Community, for the Spirit to Reveal the Depths?
3 MT5: 17-37
- Read aloud&slowly TheDecalogue (EXOD 20)! Keeping in mind that these were part of the Covenant-with-Yahweh, and all its dimly-glimpsed implications for the life in the world for a ‘ServantOfYahweh’ (Jos 11:24)! &How truly dismaying to hear Him say that ‘embodying Yahweh’ demands more struggle than being a Pharisee! These Jews being, not Freaks&Frauds, but the best exemplars of JewishBiblicalPiety!
- What, if&when I glimpse that ‘Yahweh’ was the InnerEssence of ‘Law&Prophets?’
- Why have CatholicChristians so little esteem for ‘TheOldTestament?’
- What if Paul’s dismissive attitude to ‘TheLaw’ has rubbed onto Catholics: who in another sense have even less esteem than Paul!
- Jesus’ impossibly demanding understandings of Discipleship! What can I do but Ignore or Spiritualise or Analyse or Ridicule His unmistakable thought! Unless…
- How compatible is this extract with current Ecclesial&Social conventions?
Lord! Let me get my breath back!
‘Which of us is in the real world!’ That’s what’ll be said!
Can I settle for TheSacredHeart?
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