Sunday 4th September 2022 23rd.Sunday in Ordinary C
- WIS 9 13-19
- Read 9:1-18 KingSolomen’sPrayer ‘for-Wisdom!’ (But, ‘to-Wisdom!?)
- In 25 words myUnderstanding&Experience of ‘Wisdom&wisdom’?
- Name 7Men&Women who egregiously embody ‘Wisdom’?
- Why does this writer think that ‘Wisdom’ is not an autonomous divinity?
2. THE PSALM 89 3-6, 12-14, 17
- Read 89(90) 1-17 How to deal with any powerful moody capricious sultan!
- How do I understand&explain ‘death’? the relativity of ‘time&space’? the fragility of life? The prevalence of ‘forces’ that seem hostile or beneficial or indifferent?
- What is my best experience-based statement of ‘ThePurpose-of MyLife?
- Who else writes in this quasi-lyrical fashion about ‘human-contingency?
- How excellently am I grounded in Philosophy Science Arts Mythology?
- Apart from ‘Yahweh,’ what other ‘refuges’ are offered by Church&State&Media?
3. PHILEMON 9-10, 12-17
- Read 1-25! The writer is exploring some still-relevant problematic!
What sorts of leverage has a ‘bishop’ on one of the ‘faithful?’
How is someone’s social & other relations affected by (adult) Baptism?
What is the bond (&attendant duties) between Baptiser&Baptised?
How to ‘coerce’ someone while appearing to leave them ‘free?’
4. LUKE14 25-33
- Read 14: 1-35! Explorative testing of obvious&non-obvious aspects of discipleship!
- In the excerpt, is the impression given that only ‘men’ can be ‘disciples?’
- & are other English versions that smooth this ‘sexism’ out, merely lying?
- Hate/Family/Life/Cross! A memory of the harsh shock of ‘His’ actual ‘preaching!’
- ‘UnlessHeGiveUpAllHisPossessions!’ Whaat’s this to do with the two ‘parables?’
- In my local church, who is ‘giving up all ‘his’ (whatever about ‘her’) possessions?’
5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
Confidential memorandum to TheMost ExcellentHighPriest Caiaphas! Dispatched by trusted messenger from Bar Shemaya, Stalker of TheNazarene!
Greetings! May Heaven’sBlessings adorn Your Excellency!
With all due modesty I re-iterate! Faithfully I continue, in-season&out-of-season to stalk TheNazarene! So as to keep Your Excellency informed, concerning his designs on ourHoly Law&Temple! Only yesterday he shouted shamelessly to the gullible crowds (Excellency, note this well!) ‘Hate your own family for-me! Carry the shameful cross for-me!’ Not long afterwords, he spoke to Achitophel (I spit), the ambitious Tower-Builder, and Jeroboam (I spit), the upstartSchismatic! How can we continue to ignore his reckless contumely? Finally, perhaps the supreme insult to our HolyPlace! To be a disciple of his (I spit), one is called upon to give up all possessions! Contrary to all the Dispositions&Prescriptions of TheDivineLaw! TheNazarene is a tool (I spit twice) of Beelzubub! Excellency, fare You Well!
6. RIDDLE But what truly is Wisdom?
A very necessary&demanding&autonomous divinity?
The teaching-for-life proffered by authoritative male teachers?
A store of knowledge distilled from reflective experience?
The procedures&processes&products of ‘TheEarth?’
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