4th Sunday of Advent Cycle B 2020 (’99)

 Sunday 20th Dec 2020(’99)  4th SundayofAdvent: B

1.  2Sam7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 (What about vv7, 13, 15!!)

  • Read 7:1-29! This crucial realistic-flattering-cryptic David/Yahweh nexus!
  • ‘Cedar!’: AromaticEnviedPaganDivineVersatileHolyTree in TheNearEast!           (Read EZEK17! JER22! PS92! IS2!)
  • Between the lines, can I glimpse why David didn’t get to build TheTemple?
  • Is it really ‘Yahweh’ speaking to Nathan? Or a ‘TheoPoliticalExpediency’?
  • Also, what can I glimpse about the Priorities&Constraints of ‘CourtProphets’?
  • Currently, who are TheGreatProphets?  &What are their PsychicParaphenalia?

2.  THE PSALM: 88:2-5, 27, 29!!

  • Read carefully&critically 88(89):1-52! O theCunning of Yahweh-the-Distant!
  • In modern terms, what arte Yahweh’s ‘Love&Truth’?
  • ‘Dynasty!’: Did ‘David’ have to choose between ‘HisLineage & ‘Yahweh’sTemple’?
  • ‘AllAges!’: what power-conscious institution hasn’t claimed an ‘Immortality’?
  • Is any biblical relationshipmore valued than that of ‘Father&Son’? &Why is this?

3.   ROM16:25-27

  • In the very end of Romans, Paul distils the essence of his GoodNews!
  • In 40words, how would I express my essential creed?
  • What was it about Jesus that so enthused Paul &even turned his whole life around?
  • Has anything comparable occurred in my adukt experience?

4.    LK1:26-38   

  • Arguably, the most complex&dense&dogmatically-sensitive of all the gospel stories!

                             Two literary-theological threads, ‘God & ‘TheLord’ combined!

                             Does ‘this’ in Mary’s question refer to ‘TheSon’ or ‘TheSon’sGreatness’?

                             Was an earlier simpler story plumped up for this new context?

  • What was it in Gabriel’sGreeting that disturbed&puzzled Mary?
  • What assures me that ‘Yahweh is with’ my Community? Or am I happy He’s not?
  • ‘Cos what’d have to change if we were ‘Pregnant-with-Yahweh’? (Shucks&Wow!)

5.  The presence and action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Gran’ ‘Yes Effie?’ Thursday again, Effie’s lovely wideawake afternoon with Gran!  Making homemade bread, listening to the chickies, watching Gran’s movements&gestures, exploring the give-outs&roll-arounds harvested from the conversations of Mam &Samantha, Mam’s girlfriend!Last week it was TheMission, she imagined it mishin’ about inside her, like a teenyteeny angel!  One night Sam called around after it, as she’d promised, ‘Gran, I heard Mam say to Sam. “Well did he give you the three hailmarys?”, an’ Sam laffed, “No, he gave me somethin’ else!!”, an’ made big-eyes at Mam!’ ‘It’s three somethin’ else, then?’ ‘Gran, “the three hailmarys”?’ ‘Well, a mhilis, let’s see! This priest came to the village to help people to pray better…’ ‘Mam tells me, eyes down now, hands together!’ ‘…an’ the three hailmarys are for when you want to be really good!’ ‘Did Sam niot want to be really good, then?’  ‘Maybe she’s really good already..’ ‘ ‘Oh..’ Effie thought she could feel somethin’ mishin-about inside her, maybe the priest gave Sam a prize or.. ‘So let’s say three hailmarys for Mam&Samantha, Effie, an’ then get down to business!’ ‘Yes, Gran, let’s!’ &secretly decided to find out another time, what was the prize for being really good….

6. RIDDLE:  Whose preoccupations are nearer mine?

                       David’sYahweh’sPaul’s or Mary’s?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie