5th Sunday of Easter Cycle A 2023 (’08)

Sunday 7th May 2023 (’08) : 5thSUNofEASTER

1. AA6:1-7!

Why were 7Women not chosen, &prayed-with, so as then to care for the widows?

Or, is the term ‘disciples’ here, coming to have an exclusively male connotation?

2. PS32:1-2, 4-5, 18-19!

A hint here about the importance of music in the ritual-of-joy!

‘Yahweh-Fills-TheEarth-with-HisLove’! Any signs of this intriguing claim in Ireland?

3. 1PET2:4-9!

This language inclines towards institutional self-flattery, pulling the wool over our own eyes!We must always look for the concrete embodiment of it in the local church!

4. JN14:1-12!

Are there inspired voices in my local church, that put the searching revealing questions? Or is that sort of prophetic unpeeling-of-truth discouraged in various ways?


How useful, welcome, or encouraged, is TheCharism-of-Prophecy?

Like TheCharism-of-Healing, has it been Hidden-out-in-TheHenhouse?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie