4th Sunday of Lent Cycle B 2021 (’00)

Sunday 14 March 2021 (’00) 4th SUN of LENT: B

1. 2CHRON36:14-16,19-23 (Not forgetting vv17-18!)

  • Chronicles!  An idealised saga from Adam to Cyrus, thus ending with hope!
  • Read 36:1-23! The final destinies of the kingship, totally ‘ordained’ by Yahweh
  • To what extent was Vat11 a purging analogous to the one described here?
  • What bestows on ‘Christianity’ its apparent immunity to, or disdain of, the sorts of cultural predators (Words Messengers Prophets Enemies) hinted at here?
  • Or is ‘Christianity’ being ravaged also by its own Complacencies?
  • “What 5 Factors are currently threatening TheChristianEdifice’?  &What counter-measures (either worthy or futile) are being taken? &Bywhom?

2. THE PSALM: 136:1-6

  • Read 136(137)1- 9! The fidelity&desperation&resentment&rage of exiles!
  • &How many yet wince at the sentiments in the omitted vv7-9!
  • What if ancient feelings about Babylon survive in Western attitudes to Iraq&Syria? “
  • ‘Tongue/Hand!’: Apt punishments to wish on oneself for ‘forgetting Jerusalem’?
  • The (eventual) insight, that ‘Yahweh’ accompanied&suffered-with  TheExiles, in what ways may this be significant for the struggles of adultChristians?
  • In 15words, ‘MyGreatestJoy’, that I’d loathe being exiled-from, or unfaithful-to?
  • “What factors gave this psalm ‘success’ as a modern pop-song?

3. EPH2:4-10                                                    ·

  • “Read 1:15- 2:22! A necessary context for this densely-conceived excerpt!
  • Imagine living in lstC Ephesus! Imagine deserting Artemis for Christ!
  • “What is the equivalent, for a ‘cradle-Catholic’, of converting as-an-adult to Christ?
  • In 35words, what differences would total commitment to Christ’ entail?
  • In 35words, imagine how Paul would explain the links between ‘grace’ & ‘faith’?

4. JNJ:14-21

  • “Read 31-21! An exploration of the dynamics of ‘adult conversion’!
  • “Which 3Christians are witnessing to me the origin&impication of ‘AdultFaith’?
  • ‘TheWorld!’: Whoever is embodying (whatever about the rhetoric!) Priorities
      &Values hostile to those embodied by Jesus! L
    ipService v DangerousEngagement!
  • ‘TheSerpent Lifted Up!’ Read NUM21:1-9! A primitive homoeopathy’!
  • What does ‘salvation’ consist in, according to this excerpt? &Where is it happening?

  • The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Master!’ ‘Yes, Kephas, my friend!’ ‘Forgive me, but it seems right to my soul to
. Kephas, speak freely! ‘...a visit lately to your lodging by one of the enemy! shifty&cunning he looked, like our Ancient Enemy! I fear Satan may be devising...’
‘Kepha , whoever is with me cannot be against me!’ ‘But, Master, those I speak of… ‘ Ifsomeone comes to you seeking truth, will you immediately suspect a ruse of Beelzebul? How will you test that ones good intent? &your own besides?’ ‘Well, I  might open a holy scroll, to see if the demon will roll about on the ground, growling &foaming.. ‘Kephas! May our company never be of such a mind! rather engage each person, whether these be on thrones like Pharao, or in the fields like TheBlessedOne, with openness&sincerity!’ ‘But Master, TheSerpent moves in so‘Kephas! Look to the purifying of your own heart, &TheBlessedOne, amen, will look to all the others!!

  • RIDDLE                Which1s best? LoveTheTemple, SingTheSongs,

LookOnTheCrucified, LiveTheGoodLife!

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie