5th Sunday of Easter Cycle B 2021 (’00)

Sunday 2 May 2021 (’00): 5th SUN of EASTER: B

1. AA9:26-31

  • Another set-piece! Can I imagine the resentments suspicions defections risks?
  • What is the equivalent in myCommunity of ‘Saul seeking acceptance from the disciples ‘?
  • What new ExperiencesRittualsIdeasNormsOrientationsInterpretattons is myChurch finding it difficult, or impossible, to ‘accept’? Who&what are seeking to ‘mediate’ all this?
  • What clues in AA9:1-30, why many feared&hated Paul in a very special way?
  • TheBrothers!’: Is there any evidence that women are forming different attitudes than men, towards AdultEducation Morality Practice Freedom Theology Faith…?
  • ‘ConsolationOfTheHolyBreath!’· Courage that flows from ‘FullestEmbodimentOfJesus’!
  • ‘FearOfTheLord!’: FullFreeEnthusiasticEmbodimentInEverythingOfYahweh’sPriority’


2. THE PSALM 21·26-28, 30-32

  • Read 21(22) 1-31′ Yahweh’sBeloved’sPrayer in TheFear&DangerOf’Death’!, which the storyteller,imagined that Jesus chanted in HisOwnDeath, at 3 00pm in TheAfternoon!
  • Why is the often-incompetent ‘liturgy of the word’ tolerated by so many adults?
  • ‘Vows!’     What concrete behaviours are being suggested in the Eucharist? Who will they be           shared with? How will they be monitored&assessed? (Whew! What if I just drop ’em’)

3. lJNJ:18-24

  • In 25 words, my experience&understanding of that which is called ‘conscience’ ?
  • What indicates that I live out of an ‘adult’, rather than an ‘infantile’, conscience?
  • How am I ensuring that ‘conscience’ is being nourished&exercised&purified?
  • What is happening in myCommunity regarding the ‘formation’ of children’s ‘conscience’?
  • In l0 words, can I glimpse my ‘real’ (as distinct from ‘rhetorical’) ‘FirstCommandment’?

4. JN15:1-8

  • Read IS5 1-30′ Terrifyingly ambivalent sea-change in TheLover’s former ‘Affections’!
  • What if Yahweh’sExpectations &(So, HisDisappoint ments) were always ‘overblown’?
  • &What if being suddenly presented with ‘Yahweh-as-Lover’  is like ‘TheHonoursPaper’!
  • ‘InMe&InYou!’ Can I imagine Jesus just sitting-in-there-somewhere? inactive&asleep!
  • What if ‘TheRealPriority’ of my local church is partly to keep Him ‘on a drip, just-there’?

5. The presence&action of the blessedOne, is it like this?

‘Gertie! Tell me this, an’ tell me no more! why’re they always goin’ on about drink?’ ‘Cissie, is it ..’ ‘If it’s not t’ jointhe Pioneers or Father Macchu, it’s the bread an’ wine!’  ‘An’ the wine at  Mass!’ ‘Or the Las’ Supper…’ That’s what I  ‘  ‘Or  y’ know who, arrivin’  home ploothered, frightenin’ the ‘ ‘Take my fella, now. ‘ ‘So, like cock-crow, ,what’d we have this mornin’. ?’ ‘God Cissie, I hope it wasn’t y’know-what!’ ‘The Vine’ Oh, it’s really Our Divine Lord...’ ‘Oh .?’ ‘But even then, y’ can’t get away from it, can ya? every hand’s turn…’ ‘The Vine Lord .?’ ‘Yes, we’re all his grapes an’ branches ‘ ‘Our Lord likes t’ drink us for ‘is thirst...’ ‘No, Gertie’ get it right! it’s like goin’ t’ confession ”Oh.?’ ‘But there still must be somethin‘ rummy in it, all that goin’ on about drink   ‘Oh…?’


Which is most urgent now? To Worship Explain Caricature Incarnate TheTotalJesus?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie