6th Sunday of Easter Cycle B 2021 (’00)

Sunday 9 May 2021(’00). 6thSUN of EASTER : B

1. AA10·25-26, 34-35, 44-48

  • ‘OnlyAMan!’: Has there been a tendency to treat some ministers of the gospel as ‘divine’?
  • What is called ‘TheHolySpirit’ here, how, if at all, is it linked with ‘TheTrinity‘?
  • Apart from ‘ecstasy’, what are the more reliable indicators of ‘Jesus’Spirit’sPresence’?
  • If I don’t ‘clothe myself in Jesus’, maybe ‘TheHolySpirit’ isn’t ‘available’ or ‘real’?

2 THE PSALM: 97.1-4

  • Read 97(98):1-9! A ShoutSong for TheApproachOfYahweh’
  • If I were to make&sing a ‘NewSongToYahweh’, what would it celebrate?
  • What if ‘Yahweh’s Salvation’ is the whole-hearted ‘StruggleForJushce’?
  • ‘Hand&Arm!’: Is there a hint that ‘Justice’ may call for ‘violence’? (Read MTll:12-19!)

3 IJN4 7-10

  • In my experience, what is the relation between ‘knowledge’ & ‘love’?
  • What of the claim, that an increase in one leads to a ‘ diminishment of the other?
  • Why does this writer think that ‘God’s’ essential activity is ‘loving’?
  • ‘Sins! “Behaviours&Attitudes that deviate from ThePriorities of ‘God”

4 J N15.9 -17

  • Why must ‘The Father’s Love’ be mediated through Jesus, rather than ‘come directly’?
  • Why have ‘Christians’ been inculcated in all sorts of other ‘commandments’? Say,

Save your own soul, no matter what!

Be loyal to your own crowd, hate the others!

God gave us all this to enjoy’ so let’s honour Him by doing just that’
Do the necessities, like prayer&chapel&dues, but don’t bust yourself!  
As long as you’re in the true church, the man-above’s happy’

Learn the catechism, &keep your nose clean, &let no one walk on you’

5. The presence & action of the Blessed One, Is It like this?

‘Gran” ‘Yes, a mhihs?’ Thursday again, Effie’s opportunity to explore  with  Gran, hawk & eagle, her girl’s perceptions! ‘Sam’s boyfriend, Boysie she calls him, came in while Mam an’  Sam  were laffin’, an’  very soon was givin’ out  big fatso shouts an’  wavin’  himself an’ banging his red  face. ‘  ‘An’ what  did Mam  do?’  ‘She laffed  an’  spoke a  green  throw-out to Boysie’ then Boysie said to Mam&Sam, “See how yous” a twistyword, I couldn’t pull it over, Gran!  “love one another ”   an’  ran out the door, cryin’ an’ yelpin’ m his chicken voice!’ ‘My poor Effie! I’m sorry  you  had  to  witness  all that   ‘  ‘Gran! love one another!’  ‘Yes, a thaisge! Boyie’s word!’ ‘Why did it make him cry in his chicken voice?’ ‘Maybe he was hoping’ the three o’ them ‘d love each other .’ ‘Not Mam’ she says to Sam, “How d’ya do it? I wouldn’t love that  pofull o’  rat’s vomit  even for  the  lottery!” An’  not Boysie! he called Mam a green&purple  throw-out! I forget...’  ‘Maybe Boysie was hopin’  the  three o’  them  might say  a prayer t’ Jesus!. ‘ ‘Yes, Gran! that’s really why he was wavin’ himself, because Mam an’

Sam wouldn’t say a prayer t’ Jesus with him! great great!”


If he returned, which would more surely recognise ‘his-own’ in us? Jesus, or John, or Peter?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie