Sunday 14th Feb 2021(’00) 6th Sun Ordinary Time: B
1 LEV 13.1-2, 44-46
- Read 13:1-14:57! OurSkin! ItsAilments, &Rituals-of-Purification!
- Why is there such fascination in my world with care&treatment of the skin?
- In what ways is the skin of woman & man differently seen&valued?
- In myCommunity, what ‘conditions’ could banish someone ‘outside TheCamp’?
- Read Numbers 12:1-15! the highly-questionable treatment of Miriam by ‘Yahweh’?
- Why was the diagnosis&treatment of ‘leprosy’ alotted to the priesthood?
2 THE PSALM: 31.1-2, 5.11
- Read 31(32) 1-11! SinDiseasePrayerForgivenessJoy! Perhaps a necessary journey?
- Why has ‘ConfessionOfSin’ always been deemed to be healing and salvific?
- Those who don’t ‘go to confession’ any more, how are they dealing with ‘sin’?
- How can I explore the huge difference between ‘RealSin’ & ‘ImaginarySin’?
- Will myChurch encourage the availability of m,ore effective ‘Healin&Forgiveness’?
- How do I ascertain whether ‘Yahweh’ is disposed to ‘forgive’ me, or not?
- What if women’s experience of ‘sin&guilt’ is very different from men?
3 1COR10:31- 11:1
- ‘TheGloryOfGod!’: In 20words, my understanding of this inspirational abstraction!
- ‘Offensive’!: If Paul or myself were to ImitateChrist how could we avoid offending?
- What was the source of Paul’s dynamic enthusiasm? What’s the source of mine?
- Can I name 5 in myCommunity who could well offer themselves to be ‘imitated’?
- Have I been taught, as-a-Christian, to be-for-others?
4 MK1:40-45
- This injunction of silence(futile in the event!), what is hidden within it?
- What is the function of Silence&Secrecy&Dissimulation in myCommunity?
- Why is Jesus depicted as being so compliant with temple leprosy-regulation?
- Is he hinting some difference between the man’s ‘cure’, & his ‘healing’?
5 The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
‘Gran!’ ‘Yes, a mhilis?’ Effie was a little concerned about Samantha’ even though she shouted a lot, &laffed like tractor, she was Mam’s best girlfriend, &recently Effie mished-about that Sam, &her boyfriend PeteyPie, weren’t great with each other since TheBigParty after Christmas! ‘Gran, Sam blew her tears everywhere, “PeteyPie’s treatin’ me like a lepper, Madge!”, an’ Mam said “that boy’s some lepper hisself, as I’m always tellin’ ya Y’re as well of without that moutha snots!” “Oh Effie, Sam an’ your Mam use such language!”Gran, lepper! Did Sam start leppin’ about at ThBigParty after Christmas! ‘I’m sure they were all leppin’ an’ buckleppin’….Mam too”But treatin’ Sam like a lepper is this, PeteyPie’s keepin’away from Sam as if she’s really dirty an’ sick, an’ he might get it off her himself!’ ‘He’d have to be like a nurse or a doctor!’ ‘Or Jesus, Effie…” Effie opened her eyes wide, &thoughtfully smoothed her nice blue dress, &listened quietly to the chickies sayin’ their lessons… Jesus, now…she’d never thought of PeteyPie an’ Jesus… an’ didn’t know if Sam like Jesus say like Gran did… She clappt her wee hands, &kissed Gran’s flour-smudged cheek, ‘Gran, you helped me make a new picture! Let’s ask Jesus yo make sam alright again..’ ‘so that she’ll not be a lepper!’ ‘An’ also to be her pretend-boyfriend till someone better than PeteyPie comes, who’ll never treat her like a lepper! Oh Gran, great, great, great!’
6. RIDDLE Who to ‘imitate’ Paul, Jesus, TheLeper, or Miriam?
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