4th Sunday of Easter Cycle A 2023 (’08)

Sunday 30th April 2023 (’08) : 4thSUNofEASTER A

1. AA2:14, 36-41!

‘Repent’! ‘Do all in your power, &byChristPower, to Transform-YourMindset, from one that seeks only your own advantage, to one that Shares-Everything-with-All, &ActivelySeeks-TheHealing&Wholeness-of-All! Even if this calls for a shake up!

2. PS22:1-6!

‘Yeah, He’s myShepherd, sorta! But in what ways am I HisSheep, huh?’

Any helpful clues for me in this SheepSong? What I want? Or what I need?

3. 1PET2:20-25!

Did TheChrist Do-It-All-for-Us? Or leave an Example, How We’ll Do-It-for-Ourselves?

4. JN10:1-10!

How much of this parable, &its ‘explanation’, can I find in my local church?

Which of the four characters in the parable do I most identify-with?


If I’m Sheep, who’s MyShepherd? &How is the complex relationship developing?

If I’m Shepherd, who’s MySheep? Am I also being Supervised&Mentored?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

3rd Sunday of Easter Cycle A 203 (’08)

Sunday 23rd April 2023 (’08) : 3rdSUNofEASTER A

1. AA2:14, 22-23!

TheOutpouring-of-TheHolyBreath is the most trustworthy Witness-to-TheResurrection

In what 5Ways is TheChristBreath tangibly-at-work in my local church?

2. PS151:1-2, 5, 7-11!

What is enabling me to Discern&Walk-on-ThePath-of-Life? Namely, TheChristPath…

3. 1PET1:17-21!

‘TheEnd-of-TheAges’! TheWorldShift of 2012? Or, EverTime-I-TrulyAwaken?

4. LK24:13-35!

Imagine, if He Walked&Talked-TheBiblicalWord-with-Me-on-All-my-Paths?

Imagine, if He SatSolid-with-Me-in-EverySharing-of-Food&Drink?


What do I HankerFor? HisPast or Present or Future UnHiding&UnVeiling?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

2nd Sunday of Easter Cycle A 2023 (’08)

Sunday 16th April 2023 (’08) : 2ndSUNofEASTER A


1. AA2:42-47!

Why are we only hearing about idyllic beginnings, but not seeing it in the local church?

2. PS117:2-4, 13-15, 22-24!

&What will TheDaughters shout? Are these also, with TheChrist, ‘TheStoneRejected’?

3. 1PET1:3-9!

What, out of this slightly ranty rhetoric, actually touches-my-heart?

4. JN20:19-31!

As I listen, can I discern a treasure I missed, or shrugged off, ‘the first time around’, &pray from the heart, that I will value&embrace it now, by ‘divine mercy’?


Which best embodies TheWill-of-TheChrist? To interact with TheBiblicalWord : With grateful devotion? With feminist critique? Smile&open-arms? With listening heart?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

Easter Sunday Cycle A 2023 (’02)


1. AA 10:34, 37-43

  • Read 10:1-48! ‘Exemplary story’ exploring a problematic that we think we are OK about! Namely, whether to accept ‘Pagans/NonJews/Unclean’ in TheBody?
  • Surely, continuing to repeat the medieval shibboleths has failed to empower us!
  • Who is struggling to bring-about in my local church, Peter’s break-through in AA10?

2. THE PSALM 117:1-2, 16-17. 22-23

  • Again, read 117(118):1-29! Is Easter a truly appropriate festival for this song?
  • HisLove!’ What is this? Where does it especially occur in my wilderness?
  • Would ‘TheDaughters-of-Israel’ be willing (or allowed) to testify with such alacrity?
  • Biblically, what is the special&ungainsayable place of women in Easter?
  • On balance, is my local church in TheTomb, in TheDoldrums, or RaisedToLife?

3. COL3:1-4

  • What 25 ‘HeavenlyThings’ are my thoughts regularly fixed-on?
  • What 25 ‘EarthlyThings’ are my thoughts&resources devoted-to?
  • What of the claim, ‘Catholics’ talk is heavenly, their activities earthly?
  • If ‘Christ’ isn’t being ‘revealed’ now, what’s the betting on it happening later?

4. 1COR5:6-8 (Why an ‘alternative’, forsooth?)

  • What do I know about the nature purpose action dangers metaphors of ‘yeast’?
  • Why do TheJewishPeople purify their homes of all old yeast in Passover/Springtime?
  • What are the signs that ‘Sincerity&Truth’ have made much headway amongst us?

5. JN20:1-9 (Why is Magdalene’s Story, vv11-18, not included?)

  • Read 20:1-31! Glimpse of Mary, Peter, TheDisciple, TheDisciples, & Thomas! &Can I encapsulate in a few words what each of these very different characters saw?
  • The Lord!’. Whatever about ‘Jesus’, who could ‘take TheLord out of TheTomb’?
  • The running&outrunning of Peter&TheDisciple, where is this in my local church?
  • Why did the two men not communicate their intuitions to Mary?

6. The presence&action of the Blessed One, is it like this?

It sure was like old times above this mornin’ for Easter Sunday! Whatdja think?’ ‘Hang on til I call’ A couple a’ large Jemmies when y’re ready’ water on th’ side! Wha’were y’sayin’? ‘Above this mornin’…. ‘ Well, not a patch on th’ oul’ Canon’ ‘OK’ But apart from ’ ‘Y’ sound sorta anxious, did I not dig it, or something’. Obviously, I knew y’d be makin’ comparisons,,,’ ‘Th’ on’y bit I could hear, this story of Peter an’ y’r man having a race t’ th’ tomb! Sounded weird, like a relay race’ ‘Right, an pussyfootin’, who goes int’ th’ chamber..’ ‘like Newgrange, begod..’.first! An’ what’d the’ see? His shroud!’ ‘Why dn’t they search around..! ‘I was thinkin’ he musta left out a shkelp of it, so itsh-bitsy! ‘What I was thinkin’, th’oul Canon on Easter Sunday.’ ‘Aw, were y’ now? So was I, begod! He’d walk down inta th’ middle of us, wi’ them white gold clothes ’ ‘No shroud there!’ ‘An’ speak it out, like th’ hero he was! “Comrades! Th’ GPO was great! An’ . ‘Clontarf was greater! But Th’FirstEaster was th’ greatest! Because not king nor soldier, but th’ poor man leapt inta freedom! Let’s never, ever forget that ’” ‘Aw yes’ Freedom! but haven’t we betrayed him too?’


What is the true Resurrection for 2023?

Embrace TheAlien as equally-loved-in-the-Lord?

Listen more sincerely to Women’s-Perception-of-Truth?

Commit all our resources to a Praxis-of-ThisEarth?

Trot-out TheAgenda of TheCounterReformation ?

Passion Sunday Cycle A 2023 (’02)

SUN 2nd APRIL 2023(’02): PASSION SUNDAY (formerly called PALMS). A



  • In my local church, what is the equivalent of ‘TheEntrance-of-the-King’?
  • YourKing/Humble!’ Read ZECH 9:9-17! But is He not also vengeful&manic?
  • Donkey!’ Abigail came to David on a donkey, with bread&wine! (1SAM25)

2. THE MASS OF PASSION SUNDAY. IS50:4-7 (What about vv8-9?)

  • Read TheFourServantSongs! 42:1-9, 49:1-7, 50:4-9, 52:13-53:12
  • In my local church, how are ‘disciples’ speaking&listening&suffering?
  • To judge by these ‘songs’, what are the ingredients of ‘true discipleship’?
  • The attacks on TheServant, anything like that going on in my local church?
  • In what 10Ways does ‘Yahweh’ aid past&contemporary ‘servants’?

3. THE PSALM 21:8-9, 17-20, 23-24 (Mere shreds of this great song!)

  • Read 21(22):1-31! Dramatic&moving song of a beleaguered Yahwist!
  • Isn’t it imaginable that Jesus sang all of this as He ‘died-a-servant’?
  • Which ‘Friends-of-Yahweh’ are being derided in my local church?
  • Are those who suffer-for-faith nowadays, encouraged to be so graphic in church?
  • &If they had the opportunity to ‘witness-publicly’, would they be heard&heeded?
  • But what if it’s the lot of a ‘servant/disciple’ to be mocked&torn&strippt?

4. PHIL 2:6-11.

  • Read 2:1-18! ‘Mind-of-Christ’! Paul’s-imagining? Or the rale-Christ
    • In 45 words can I imagine how he’d explain ‘Christ’-Equality-with-God’?
    • What biblical or philosophical precedent (or model) did he have for ‘TheEmptying’?
    • All-Beings!’ Does this include God&Angels
    • &Spirits&Animals, as well as Humanity?


  • How is ‘TheBetrayal-of-Jesus’ experientially-nuanced in my local church
  • Peter&Judas!’. One wept, one sacrificed himself! One is canonised, the other
  • What was the alleged ‘blasphemy’? &Is ‘blasphemy’ a likelihood nowadays?
  • Why did the storyteller make Jews say, ‘HisBlood be upon us’?
  • Is it significant that Jesus died utterly alone, utterly devalued&unwanted?
  • But what of the ‘many women, watching from a distance’?
  • Son-of-God!’ One who is totally committed to embodying ‘TheInterests-of-God’!

6. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

One of the saddest reflections for me in Holy Week, How many of those who shouted for TheKing on Palm Sunday shouted against Him on GoodFriday?’ &TheOfficialBeliever sighed as he spoke! ‘Maybe they saw the light’ ThePracticingSceptic’s response was casual but rapier-like ‘Oh, don’t take refuge in such a cynical ’ Listen’ Say, in 13th century Rome, if TheVatican fingered some peasant form the Abruzzi who’d shouted against the religious authorities, &kicked up a symbolic rumpus in St. Peter’s, would even you.’ ‘Nego paritatem’ You’re comparing chalk&cheese! OurLord was divine, whereas your peasant.’ ‘Who’s to say? &Hasn’t each one a spark of the divine.’ ‘Not at all’ That’s another of your sentimental half chewed existentialist lucubrations! Not even OurDivineMother! ‘Only the Godman from Nazareth was divine’ ‘That’s a much later dogma.’ ‘Pardon me, Schleiermacher! Both the words&works of TheWord-Made-Flesh sufficed to prove HisDivinity beyond shadow, to any reasonable’ ‘catholic apologist’, yes! but ‘They didn’t see the light, they sinned against it’ ‘That’s that’ ‘Leave it there.’

7. RIDDLE Which Jesus, as HisHolyWeek begins? AnointedKing? Son-of-God? The Shepherd? Son-of-Man? Lord? The Prophet? TheMaster? Yehweh’sServant? TheImposter? TheDesertedOne?Passion Sunday

5th Sunday in Lent Cycle A 2023 (’02)

Sunday 26 March 2023 (’02) • 5thSUNofLENT: A

1. EZEK37·12-14

  • Read 37:1-14!TheValley-of-Bones that stood-again in TheBreath! But will this interest those who bring ‘Death-to-TheLiving’, rather than ‘Life-to-TheDead’?
  • ‘TheGrave!’. The situation of being in religio-political exile in Babylon!
  • ‘I-am” ‘Yahweh’ is the one who brings ThePeople out of every Exile!
  • In which 5Respects are WesternChristians ‘in exile’, & ‘in the grave’?
  • How did Patricius’ ‘exile’ in Ireland bring him to fuller realisation?
  • Which modern Irish Literature/Drama explores our exile from ‘soul’s-truth’?
  • ‘MySpirit”· Which DivineBreaths (other than Yahweh’s) are inhabiting TheIrish?

2. THE PSALM 129 1-8

  • Another very beloved biblical song’ even in Latin! What’s the empathy?
  • AttentionForgivenessArrivalMercyRedemption’ • How important are these ‘attributes’ (credited to a divinity 2500years ago), in our own cynical&ironic society?
  • ‘TheDepths” In what ways is TheUnderworld, TheWorld-of-Death, significant now?
  • &What 20 Situations would I sum up as my experience of ‘TheDepths’?
  • ‘Redemption”· Variously individual&collective, political&juridical&spiritual’
  • How does Patricius in ‘TheConfessio’ mirror the sentiments of this psalm?
  • ‘Soul!’· More elusive & more neglected & more needed than ever, is she not?

3 ROM8 8-11

  • Am I struck in this, once again, by Paul’s strange&wayward ‘line-of-argument’?
  • ‘Spirit” My understanding&experience of this? &Its links with my actual ‘breath’?
  • ‘Spiritual&Unspiritual” How helpful or useful to english speakers is this terminology?
  • What are the indications that ‘TheBreath-of-God/Christ’ is ‘in me’, or anyone else?
  • Why is there apparently a negative prejudice about ‘Body’ in this extract?

4 JNll.1-45 (What sense, offering a ‘shorter form’ of a great story?)

  • What can I glimpse here, of the ‘intimate relations’ between Jesus&The3Siblings?
  • What character-differences can I glimpse between Martha&Mary? (Cf LK10:38ff)
  • How do I take the unusual emphasis in this story on Jesus’ ‘Feelings&Susceptibilities’?
  • ‘If You had been here” Is Jesus’ Absence actually a blessing, if strongly-worked-with?
  1. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
Yes! TheYouth imprisoned in Egypt'sDryWell!
Yes! TheSlave tested in TheDesert! Great-the-Fruit' Yes! TheLover'sEmbrace in prayer of Day&Night!
Yes! TheFriend, Hawk-in-Chariot, Salmon-in-Curragh!
 Yes! TheMaster, steadied the novice in contrary winds! 
Yes! TheGrace TheUnsurpassed, to preach to TheIrish! 
Yes! TheSower Seed &Ground, &Lord-of-TheHarvest!
 Yes! TheGreenness of Body&Soul, the many years!
Yes! TheValley-of-DryBones filled with Breath!

6. RIDDLE Which ‘Patrick-for-Now’?


TheExile who mined-his-hardship for a PreciousGold?

TheBreathFi1led who learned how to CallBackTheDead?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

4th Sunday in Lent Cycle A 2023 (’02)

Sunday 19 March 2023 (’02) • 4thSUNofLENT: A

1 1SAM16:1, 6-7, 10-13

  • Read 15.1-16.23!The dark violent king-making charism of Samuel!
  • How did Samuel (or the others around) know that it was ‘Yahweh’ who moved him?
  • When Yahweh/Samuel ‘looked at David’s heart’, what did they see?
  • On balance, is my local church ruled by intuition, caprice, custom, or dialogue?
  • Is 1it noteworthy that there are no women visible in this important narrative?

2 THE PSALM: 22:1-6

  • What makes this song such a favourite of so many adults?
  • Do I experience ‘Yahweh’ as 1SolicitousShepherd’ or ‘GenerousHost’?
  • ‘Yahweh’sHouse!’: TheTemple? Heaven? Or arguably, wherever ThePoor are?
  • Isn’t this more likely to be a song sung by the king? Or do all expect such privilege?
  • If Yahweh were my ‘provider’, what else would I ‘want’, not mentioned here?
  • ‘Cos Yahweh may be an ‘undeveloped divinity’, not resourceful-enuff for now’

3 EPH5·8-14

  • Read 4 1- 5.20! Some ramifications&corollaries of the new ‘christian’ lifestyle?
  • Which ‘secret aspects’ of the local church should be uncovered&shaken-out?
  • In a ‘christian perspective’, what ‘works’ of IrishSociety must be deemed ‘futile’?
  • What of the claim that ‘ModernSociety’ is more dynamic than ‘TheChurch’?
  • Far from ‘waking up’, will any of us acknowledge, even realise, that we’re asleep?

4 JN9:1-41

  • Isn’t this one of the most picaresque narratives m TheTotalB1ble?
  • As regards a ‘spu1tual meaning’, whom TheChurch seriously thinks they’re ‘blind’?
  • Isn’t it still a widespread thought, that ‘misfortune’ is due to ‘sin’?
  • How did the man (&his parents) survive the officious questioning of ‘authority’?
  • “What is the equivalent in my local church of ‘KeepingTheSabbath’?
  • In what ways are ‘disciples’ being trained to ‘see’ more-truly&more-deeply?

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

How is seeing different from blindness, if the one with sight is yet blind to pattern&hue&nuance? How is blindness different from seeing, if one born-blind has yet become unimaginably skilled like a hunter & a dowser, sensitive to every tremor, every ripple, in the accompanying web? Sha’ul my name, after the first & greatest of all the kings! Speak not to me of David&Solomon, for all their boastful exploits, they saw nothing of Heaven’sTruth’ Sha’ul my Master, for all that the storytellers have devalued his greatness, saw clearly Heaven’sTruth, but was pulled down by envy of Samuel-the Begrudger’ Sight of the eyes, sight of the heart, sight of the breath’ As with myMaster, all of these have ebbed&flowed for me m the accompanying web! Yet with this difference I was never king, nor called, nor aspired to be!But I was never overwhelmed by my darkness-of-the-eyes, nor was I inflated With boastfulness because of my many skills & many threads-of-power! Rather, I ruled my dark scintillant world by the harvesting of aptitudes sown by Heaven in my humble soul&body!I was truly agreeable to live&die in this way, moving modestly&invulnerably among the myriad sons&daughters of David (peace be upon him).. Until the blessed day I was approached by another who also was unmistakeably of the lineage of Sha’ul’ Now my life is utterly ablaze, praise-TheMaster!!

6 RIDDLE What is it most important to see?

The limitations of the professional zealots?

The presence of Yahweh/Jesus in the oppressed?

The new opportunities being provided by the modern world?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

3rd Sunday in Lent Cycle A 2023 (’02)

Sunday 12 March 2023 (’02) : 3rdSUNofLENT : A

1. EXOD 17·3-7

  • What 15Sorts-of-‘Freedom’ are on offer in my religio-socio-political menu?
  • Which of these ‘freedoms’ approximate to ‘being-freed-from-egypt’?
  • ‘Freedom” Insofar as I’m struggling for this, what are the benefits? what are the costs?
  • ‘Stone”: Nowadays, what 5Dangers threaten the leadership of my local church?
  • Why shouldn’t people ‘test’, whether ‘Yahweh’ is with them or not’
  • ‘Water-from-Rock” What is the seemingly-most-hopeless problem in the local church?

2. THE PSALM 94.1-2, 6-9 (This psalm’s seemly aspect!)

  • Read 94(95):1-11! A great shout for Yahweh! But what dark voice, there in the tail?
  • ‘BendBowLowKneel”· Outside Islam, what is the status of these gestures nowadays’
  • Which image of ‘Yahweh’ is more congeinal to myChurch, Warrior or Shepherd?
  • Why is ‘Yahweh’ so loathe to be ‘put to the test’? Who else am I reminded of?
  • &Is His’Work’ in contemporary society sufficient to ensure He won’t be ‘tried&tested”
  • Perhaps there is a widespread sentiment that ‘authority’ shouldn’t be questioned.

3 ROMS 1-2, 5-8 (Somewhat eviscerated?)

  • Am I comfortable, &even blas, with this familiar language, or might I explore into it?
  • ‘ThroughJesus!’: What sort of relationship? What sort of change? What cost ensues?
  • Faith&Hope&Love’ Rhetoric? Attitudes&Skills’ PopsongStuff? UnimaginableChange?
  • Where did the idea derive from, that someone could efficaciously ‘die for sinners’?
  • In what ways does ‘Christ’sDeath’ prove ‘God’sLove’?

4. JN4:5-42

  • Which OT stones (of WellsJacobSamaritansMountainsHarvest) are evoked here?
  • Is there an elusive quality, nearly cat&mouse, about the ‘conversation’ of Jesus&her?
  • Say, what each understands by ‘water’&’husband’&’worship’&’messiah’&’truth’?
  • What about His subversive suggestions,

Whoever drinks Jesus’ ‘water’ will never thirst again!

Whoever worships ‘TheFather’ must do so ‘in spirit&truth’!

Traditional enemies will love when they look-beyond their ‘bone-of-contention”

5 The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Quick Gertie, call us a wee ball a’ malt’ I never heard such a drim an’ drew! Y’r man took th’ biscuit this mornin’, goin’ on an’ on like a tinker’s trimmins ‘ ‘Oh ”,,,thirst an’ women an’ wells an’ droot ‘ ‘Here, peg that inta y’r gob” ‘Then suddenly he started on th’ Samaritans .’ ‘Them boys that marches f’r Jesus?’ ‘Seems they’re a small crowda rummies from OurLord’s time, who lives in th’ past..’ ‘Oh ‘ ‘. an’ does nothin’ like no one else! includin’, they’d never take a sippa y’r Powers.’ ‘Begod, I’ve no squawk about that” ‘But worse, th’ think they’re the really real people a’ God, an’ we’re Just…’ ‘Cissie, th’ sound th’ spittin’ image a’ my fella! His latest is, “A’d let nobody, but nobody, inta Ireland’ Ireland’s our holy ground’ Bought be th’ blood of our own martyrs, Connolly an’ Pearse’ No dirt in Ireland, never””· .Aw he’s such a. ‘ ‘I know’ but y’ can’t blame ‘im, neither’ Before y’d blink, them rummies, an’ worse, ‘d have th’ emerald isle overrun’ Like th’ other crowd already” ‘So, did head a’ wit.. ‘ ‘Oh yes, this Samaritan women, one a’ th’ rummies, was sittin’ at Jacob’s Well.. ‘ ‘Ha-ha!!’ ‘ an’ asked Jesus f’r a drink! No, he asked her’ No, she ..’ ‘Typical rummy’ I know what a’d a’ done If I was him ‘!’

6. RIDDLE Where will I hear ‘TheVoice-of-Yahweh’? ChurchPrescriptions?

TheCry-of-ThePoor? TbeArgybargy-of-Militants? TheSelfPresentation-of-TheAhen?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

2nd Sunday in Lent Cycle A 2023 (’02)

Sunday 5 March 2023 (’02) : 2ndSUNofLENT A

1. GEN12:l-14

  • Read 11 l – 12:20! TheScattering TheCall TheFamine TheBetrayal ThePlagues! Why?
  • How am I affected by the devious opportunism of ‘Abram’? (&Reminded-of what?)
  • In what respect is ‘Yahweh’ different from the tribal divinities of all the other nomads?
  • For instance,Muhammad’s call by Allah, &the subsequent ‘Rise-of-Islam’?
  • ‘All-the-Tnbes1‘: But what of those ‘tribes’ who resisted ‘ThePeoples-of-TheBook(s)’?
  • Isn’t ‘Yahweh’ here giving carte blanche for their enforced ‘conversion’, or destruction?

2 THE PSALM 32 4-5, 18-20, 22

  • Read 32(33) 1-22! A Jubilant celebration of ‘Yahweh”
  • What evidences m my local church of ‘ThePresence&Power&Action-of-Yahweh’?
  • Apart from ‘Yahweh’, which other ‘agencies’ do I count on for protection&sustenance?
  • IfYahweh were to ask me, what 20Resources would I admit to needing-from-Him?
  • ‘Famine!’ If we don’t muck in, what signs that ‘Yahweh’ is either aware or capable?

3 2TIM1:8-10

  • Read 1 3-18! Isn’t this writer actually rather anxious about Timothy’s ‘faith’?
  • The12Anxieties in my local church about ‘Faith&Practice&Observance’? &Is there more concern about the ‘enthusiasm’ of children, teenagers or adults? Laity or clergy?
  • ‘HeAbolishedDeath” MyUnderstanding of this in 30words of modern language?
  • What I0Sorts-of-‘Hardship’ am I bearing ‘for the sake of TheGoodNews’?
  1. MT17.1-9
    • What, that no women-disciples are included? &may even be specifically excluded?
    • Was the calling&significance of women in Jesus’ historicall ministry somehow disguised or dissimulated in the formation of ‘gospels’? Unless Jesus actually didn’t call them
    • DAN7·9-14 TheAncientOne! EXOD34: Moses’Face’TheGlory! EXOD24 TheCloud!
    • ‘OnlyJesu’!· Was it all a dream? Or has He absorbed it all? Or is it ‘anti-Jewish’?
    • Apart from ‘devotion’, can I glimpse the ‘big issues’ of this neglected narrative.

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this

James&John, the sons of Zebedee-the-Netmaker, were among the first to answer the call of TheLordJesus!Shulammith their mother, known as TheAppleTree, herself I responded at the same time, &was part of the intimate companionship up to & beyond TheMaster’s Exodus! Well known among TheFollowers was the story, how she pleaded for her sons, &how these accepted to drink from TheLord’sOwnCup!Well known too, the day of indignation, when they desired, like TheThreeMessengers-to-Abraham (peace-be-upon him), to call down fire on TheSamaritanVillages, &TheLord rebuked them, &they earned the nickname BenêRégesh, Sons-of-TheThunder, for their impetuous ardour! Well known also, the inspiring stories, how they finally drained TheLord’s Chalice to the bitter dregs, in their-OwnExodusTogether under Herod Agrippa, a mere decade after TheMaster’s own under PontiusPilatus! Less well known their own peculiar ways of relating together, &how they were in constant communication at all times! What is known to no one, apart from one other, is a brief conversation they shared as they prepared to FallAsleep-in-TheLord! It was the first time since it happened, that they’d ever alluded to TheManifestation-of-TheLord’sGlory-on-MountThabor! ‘James, may we now speak of that blessed moment?’ ‘John, surely we may’! ‘James, did we both hear TheVoice?’ ‘John, surely we did!’ ‘&James, was TheVoice that of a man or a woman?’ ‘John, assuredly it was of a woman’ &Let us say together whose it was’! ‘Amen-amen’ TheVoice-of-TheDivineMother, TheLord’sFirstMotherAlways’ Amen!

6. RIDDLE Which? LeaveHome? HopeInLove? BeHoly? FearNot?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

1st Sunday in Lent Cycle A 2023 (’02)

26FEB 2023 1stSUNinLENT(2002): A

1. GEN2:7-9, 3:1-7

Read 2:4b-3:24! A neglected narrative, smothered by tendentious interpretations!

  • Why are there two special ‘trees’ &How are ‘life’ & ‘knowledge’ related?
  • How was the suitability of animals (&woman) as a ‘partner’ judged?
  • What the values&emotions&taboos around ‘nakedness’ nowadoys?
  • What ‘knowledge’ would the ‘tree’ give? &Did woman or man receive it?
  • Is ‘self-awareness’ always at a cost? What cost? &What benefit?

2. THE PSALM 50: 3-6, 12-14

  • Read 50(51) 1-19! Various strategies for ridding oneself of ‘sin’,&its miasma!
  • Why is there so much emphasis on ‘sin’ in TheBible, &in the mainstream Churches?
  • What are the ‘secular’ equivalents of ‘sin’? &How are they purged?
  • How could I rid myself, once and for all, of this debilitating ‘venom-in-the-bones’?
  • How adequate are the current ‘rituals-of-penance’ for dealing with sin’s ramifications?

3. ROM5:12-19

  • Read 4.1-7.25! How relate Adam&Christ, Sin&Grace, Life&Death, Fait&Works!
  • What about the matter-of-fact self-confident logic of it all? But maybe too eloquent?
  • Why does Paul connect ‘sin’ & ‘death'(Read carefully GEN2, 4b -3.24! Again!)
  • Does he clarify how ‘all have sinned’? &How ‘death spread to all’?
  • Is it ‘physical death’ he means? Or some condition like ‘lack of faith’?
  • SinDeathWorldLawGraceRighteousManLife! Can I say this riddle in 20modern words?

4. MT4:1-11

  • Read 3.1-4.25! Setting-in-train, by Heaven&John&Jesus&Devil, of ‘TheNewExodus’!
  • ‘Tempter’! As Moses was tested for his competence as Leader-of-Exodus, so is Jesus!
  • In what 20 ways is my LifeCommitment-as-Disciple being tested?
  • ‘Angels’! How did they ‘look after Him’? GEN21.8-21(Hagar), !Kg19.1-8(Elijah)!

5. The presence&action of TheBlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Gran’! ‘Yes, Effie dear?’ ‘Boysie’s goin’ off everythin’ for the forty days an’ forty nights!’

‘O, I’m very impressed to hear it, luveen! But a bit surprised.’ ‘Sam an’ Boysie had another row, which he lost! An’ he got very wampy an’ shouted, “Righto then, that”s me up th’ Swanee! A’m goin’ off everythin’ for the forty days an’ forty nights!’”….’What’s th’ forty, Gran?’ ‘Well, a mhilis, y’ know we’re into Lent’ ‘ Yes, Sister Maggie says it Th’ Spring but y’ pray durin’ it, an’ shouldn’t be goin’ ’round like swans or lambs’ ‘ oh’ ‘ ‘an go off cursin’ an’ tearin’ up Gran, Boysie’s goin’ off too, but everythin’! ‘Did Sister Maggie also tell you that Lent is was forty days an’ forty nights…’ ‘ Maybe while I was listenin’ to a family a’ sparras talkin’ outside’ ‘But I wonder why it’s forty days an’ nights’ ‘Mam says she’s goin’ to be forty forever…’ ‘ so it must be a good number!’ ‘Yes, I think Jesus went off everythin’ for forty days an’ nights’ ‘ Had he a nargument with his friend?’ ‘ During the forty days an’ nights he had a big nargument with someone very bold’ ‘ I think I know, behind my eyes,’ …’who was trying to get Jesus to turn against God’ ‘ But Jesus shouted, “No, you don’t! I will never turn against God…”’…’… “Y’ must know, I’ve gone off everythin’ these forty days…”..’ ‘”except God alone!!”’ Effie smoothed her nice blue dress, & whispered to Gran, ‘Thank you, my favourite lady of all! I love you the same as I love God, all the days an’ all the night! Great, great!!’

6. RIDDLE Sin! Disobedience-to-Law? Refusal-of-Friendship?

Embrace-of-AnotherGod? MisrepresentedAutonomy?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie