Sunday 30 May 2021 (’00). THE MOST HOLY TRINITY: B
1. DT4:32–34, 39-40,
- Read 4·1-40! One prototype of the ‘hellfire sermon” Fictitiously attributed to Moses!
- Is ‘keeping Yahweh’sCommandments’ still linked nowadays with Family&Prosperity &Longevity&UndisturbedPossession of the ‘Canaanite’Land? (As in TheNorth!)
- Who wonders about the persistence of ‘bibbcal’ models&mindsets even in ‘ politics’?
- But what prospects that IrishChristians will be inculcated in the dangerous skills that will enable them to critically&ironically embrace TheTotalBible, &yet see-through–it!
2. THE PSALM 32·4-6, 9, 18-20, 22
- Read 32(33) 1-22! Apart from Flattery of ‘Yahweh’, &biblicalChauvinism, what-else?
- What is the real value of boasts about being ‘PeoplcOfYahweh’ or ‘TheTrueChurch ‘?
- Isn’t this excerpt as a whole reassuring&familiar&undemanding, really?
unless Yahweh’s Slave is expected to EmbodyYahweh! Say, ‘KeepThemAliveinEthiopia’!
3. ROMS 14-17
- If these four dense verses are offered out quickly, &typically without ‘expreession’ (not to mention ‘context’ or ’empathy’), what’ll be the net result for anyone there?
- If ‘TheBreath’ is somehow about being ‘ChildOfGod’, why is ‘Breath/Spirit’ not more
intensively explored&cultivated in myChurch? Not by exhortation’ but by training’!
- Is it possible (wa-wa !) that church ministers only know&value ‘TalkAboutSpirit’?
- ‘CoHeirs!’. Whatever about ‘HisGlory’, which one of us would share ‘HisSuffenng’?
4. MT28:16-20
- In what ways am I happy–enuff Just to ‘worship’ Jesus, &be a ‘devotee’ (limited!) of His?
- What about ‘TheHesitaters’ in these final important moments of MT’sTestemony?
- Can I glimpse f or–myself the 7Aspccts of ‘JesusDiscipleship’ I’ve ‘Hesitations’ about?
- But does myChurch give Space&Structure to value&explore my’Hesitations’?
- ‘In TheName!’ If this Triadic’Power’ is denied to disciples, can apathy be avoided?
- ‘I – AM-With–You!. What if Yahweh is with–disciples! To Encourage&Ordain&Anoint!
- But Will ‘ MakeDisciples’ become paramount? Or the older ‘TeachAllNations’?
- ‘Cos ‘disciples’ are dangerous&authoritative’ but ‘teaching’ can form ‘zombies’!
5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?
Yes, just as much was hidden in TheHoly–of–Holies, &much in TheSong-of–Songs, so too was much hidden in the sacred narratives of TheNazarene! Most of this was unperceived by careless piety&pedantry, or dissimulated by vested interests political&ecclesial! Some wiser spitits glimpsed the alien threads in the tapestry, &kept their counsel! though one or two carried their discoveries back, as what was obscurely called heresy! How did His own disciples weigh HisMission & HisGlory, especially after HisTakingAway? The shifts in Bame&Faith&Power! My own deep reservations, rarely if ever suspected even by the others in the leadership! Useless to divulge it, or not to! Just this, I thought His tendency to shatter the one vessel must be vigorously combatted! which I’ve done, but with what grace indeed?
Which? A remote dogmatic Trinity? Or a dynamic salvific-now-through–me Jesus?
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