5th Sunday of Easter Cycle C 2022 (’01)

                                        Sunday 15th May 2022 (’01)  5th Sunday of Easter                   

1. AA14:21-27

  • Read 14.1-28! Some basic patterns of early Christian narrative! Greatly enriched by the intriguing allusion to Zeus&Hermes, and the accompanying éclat!
  • ‘Prayer& fasting!’ Hints the place in rituals of ‘altered states of consciousness?’
  • What are the 12 PrincipalHardships I endure as an ‘adult Christian?’
  • Why is ‘Hardship’ deemed to be essential to ‘practical discipleship?’
  • But can the current passive minimalist devotion be called ‘discipleship?’
  • Elders! What criteria of AgeGenderExperienceHonestySkillCourageLaffter?
  • In 45 words, how would I encourage adults now, to be ‘truly-converted?’

2. THEPSALM: 144:8-13 (An ungenerous loyful)

  • Read 144 (145) 1-21!  Big flattering hopefull ‘YahwehShout!’
  • Since Yahweh is still a crucial, if misrepresented reality,
  • Will I gather the courage to distinguish ‘Yahweh’ from ‘God?’
  • How can I even begin to know an essentially  nomadic divinity?
  • What of the claim that ‘Yahweh’ is still imprisoned in TheTemple?
  • Am I yet safer with a ‘devotional Jesus’ than a ‘raging Yahweh?’

3. APOC 21:1-5

  • Read 21: 1-22.7!  How will this Jewish-apocalyptic imagery feel when slowed-up?
  • ‘God-with-us!’ More than ever, it must be strenuously asked, ‘Which-god?’
  • Cos TheOtherGods also are undertaking to ‘wipe away our tears’ & promising ‘surcease of death & sadness’! & they have the Media&InformationTechnology!
  • How can ‘AdultChristians’ continue to pretend&keep silent&kowtow?
  • ‘MakingNew!’ Are the paradigms of Copernicus&Nietzsche&Einstein part of this?

4. JN 13:31-35 (What? Such a paltry?)

  • Read 13: 1-38! What is the double-insistence of ‘Glorification’ and ‘Love?’
  • In 25 words my Understanding&Experience of ‘Glory?’
  • What are the 15Ways in which Jesus has ‘loved’ me?
  • In how many of these ways am I loving any&some-one else?
  • How are we ‘known’ as disciples? Mutual Love? Or BelongingToA ‘Church?’
  • (‘Cos one maintains, the other transcends&dissolves, boundaries!)

5. The presence&action of The BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Y’re in y’r suit, y’ musta been above this mornin’! any inspiration? ‘No, he was explainin’ somethin’ til us, but he lost me in th’ middle a’ th’ burra!’ ‘Wha’? th’ usual, goin’ over th’ readin’.. ‘Like turnin’ hay!’ ‘He mentioned glory, the man above said, God ‘d give ‘im glory…’

‘Like glory be t’ Th’ Father, in Th’ Rosary, I remember.’ ‘Glory’s a sorta bright light, he said! But very holy, not like th’ floods say, in Dalymount!’ ‘What’d the man above want all this light f’r?’  ‘T’ show th’ whole world how holy he is! Ornerry saints does on’y have a bittov it on their heads! Our Lady does have it comin’ out of HerHands!’ ‘HerHands?’ ‘An’ sometimes y’ see it when  someone gets married, a kinda glory!’ ‘Did he mention th’ oul Canon?’ ‘What d’ya think y’rself?’ ‘Well, he wasn’t inta any a’ that stuff! Turnin’ hay!’ ‘Remember him!’ ‘Socialists are people who love one another!!…’ ‘Aw God be good til ‘im! He was away ahead of ‘is time!!’

6. RIDDLE            How to be a disciple? Hardship, DivineFlattery, SpinThrRhetoric. Give&AcceptDifficultLove?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

4th Sunday of Easter Cycle C 2022 (’01)

                         Sunday 8th May 2022 (’01)     4th Sunday of Easter

1. AA13: 43-52

  • Read 13: 1-52! Paul and Barnabas set out on TheFirstMissionaryJourney
  • In 25 words, what’s the origin&nature&criterion of my own ‘vocation?’
  • How can someone be certain they are presenting ‘TheWordOfGod?’
  • How ‘actual&real,’ for me are ‘TheOtherGods’ & their ‘Callings’ of&to me?
  • Especially since my ‘CradleMonotheism’ maybe un-alert to them?
  • What distinguishes ‘Yahweh’sSalvation’ from, say, Baal’sSalvation?

2. The Psalm 99: 1-3, 5

  • Read 99(100):1-5!  CelebratoryEntry of Yahweh’sFlock into TheTemple?
  • What makes ‘Yahweh’ in particular, worthy of Praise&thanksgiving?
  • And why are Yahweh’s people imaged as ‘TheFlockOfSheepheOwns?’
  • ‘Merciful Love!’: The active mutuality that binds Yahweh&ThePeople in ‘covenant?’

3. APOC 7:9, 14-17

  • Read 7: 1-17! TheRituals of those ‘SealedWithTheName’ & ‘RobedInWhite!’
  • What relation between ‘TheCrowdFromIsrael’ & ‘TheCrowdFromAllNations?’
  • ‘Persecution!’ When followers of a ‘True’ are opposed to those of a ‘FalseGod?’
  • For Biblical people, what makes Yahweh a ‘True’ & Baal a ‘FalseGod?’
  • In this excerpt, what is the relation between ‘God’ & ‘TheLamb?’
  • ‘HungerThirstSunWindTears!’ : Where & who are these in my local church?
  • Who, in contemporary Ireland is articulating ‘Threatening&ConsolingVisions?’

4. JN 10: 27-30

  • Read 10: 1-30! Four messianic amphlifications of a biblical image!
  • ‘BelongListenKnowFollowGiveNotLostNotStolen!’: Shepherd&Sheep! In my own StruggleForMaturation, how are these moments perceived endured connected?
  • In this brief&familiar&apparently-innocent excerpt,
  • What can I glimpse of the early christological&ecclesial&trinitarian dogmas?
  • How is the modern world subverting the calm confidence of TheSpeaker?
  • Where is this programmatic challenge being unfolded in the local church?
  • Eternal life, sure! But is it ‘wishful thinking’ or a ‘shattering of slumber?’

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Gran!’ ‘Yes, darling?’ ‘Sam fell out with Boysie an’ called him a name!’ ‘Oh my poor Effie…!’

‘They were comin’ back to Mam’s in Boysie’s jeep! Outside, they stoppt cruckit, I was watchin,’ an’ Sam fell out the door in the flowerbeds! Boysie got out laffin’ to give her a help, but Sam shouted in her tractor voice, “y’ misst y’r focation, y’…, ”an’ she called him a name, “Y’ shoulda been a nundertaker, with y’r oul’ dead snot on ya!’ an’ wouldn’t let him in, an’ Mam bustin’ her sides !’ ‘Oh my goodness…, ‘Gran! Boysie misst his focation!’ ‘Righto, Effie! His focation! What’ll we say?’ ‘Is it like Mam says on the mobile, “One of those occasions!”,,,? ‘A special occasion, maybe…’ ‘…when Boysie shoulda been …’ ‘…shoulda known that he shoulda been…’ ‘…a nundertaker!’ Gran&Effie paused for breath, &laffed! ‘But, Gran, how’d he not know?’ ‘He misst…’ ‘…his focation! His focation…’ ‘…woulda…’ ‘…toldhim…’ “Boysie, go & be a nundertaker!”…’ ‘But, instead…’ ‘…he misst his focation! Great great!!

6. RIDDLE       Which will nourish an adult faith?

DogmaDevotion ControversyRitualRevivalismConscienceAttention?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

3rd Sunday of Easter Cycle C 2022 (’01)

              Sunday 01MAY 2022(‘01): 3RD SUN of EASTER : C

1.AA5:27-32, 40-41

  • Read 5:17-42! Apostles&Temple&Jesus&ThePeople!
  • What other biblical narratives are evoked? & What aspects of my own local church?
  • Read LK22:39-23:49! Where was Gamaliel’s moderate voice on that occasion?
  • Or Pilate’s moderate if ineffectual voice on this occasion?
  • How can Peter, who denied Jesus, now seek to blame TheHighPriest?
  • ‘Obedience!’: In terms of ‘adult conscience‘, how do I discern ‘God’ & ‘Man’?
  • ‘Humiliation!’: Why does this excerpt omit ‘TheFlogging’ (v40)?
  • How risky is public&prophetic profession of Jesus in my local church?

2. THE PSALM 29:2, 4-6, 11-13

  • Read29(30)1-12(13)! A condition of Illness or Oppression or DarkMood or Peril,
  • was reckoned to be equivalent to sojourn in ‘TheRealmOfDeath’!
  • Will it make a difference if this psalm is sung by a woman or a man?
  • How might the listening EucharisticGroup ourselves become ‘TheSavingYahweh’?
  • ‘Cos it’s clear from Jesus’ case, that Yahweh does nothing unless I do it!
  • How do we imagine ‘Yahweh’ ( Or other narrative divinities like ‘Dionysus’)?

3. APOC5:11-14

  • Read 4:1-6:17! Beginning of the complex obscure ‘Ritual-of-Unveiling’!
  • Is there a basis in APOC for a much more ‘ecological‘ worldview than usual?
  • ‘PowerRichesWisdomStrengthHonourGloryBlessing!’: In Irish society, who has the   giving of these? who receives them? & where am I in it all?
  • To what extent might this scenario be the wishful thinking of  TheOppressed?

4. JN21:1-19

  • Read 21:1-25! Why has Simon/Peter such a prominent role in these final stories?
  • Read JN18:15-17! What does this ‘TripleDenial’ mirror in my discipleship?
  • Is the problem of ‘recognisingJesus‘ an important reminder to myChurch?
  • What about the tension between the ‘ecclesial’ images of Fish&Lambs?
  • Have I found that thoroughgoing ‘AdultDiscipleship’ is the ‘Death’?
  • ‘LoveMe/FeedMine!’: What does this ‘interrogation’ hint about ‘JesusIntimacy’?

5. The presence*action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

 ‘God, Gertie, wha’ happened ya? Y’were cryin’! Excuse me f’r askin’, but was Herkalays up til ‘is tricks again?’ ‘No, y’re right, Cissie! but it was nothin’ like…’ ‘My fellss just as likely t’ try ‘is gatchees, ‘cept knows ‘e wouldn’t get away wit’ it’ ‘cos Cissie’s ..’ ‘ Looka, Cissie this jus’ came on me above ..’ ‘At Mass?’ ‘They were readin’ th’ stuff, an’ suddenly I hears, “Feed my lambs, feed my sheep!”, the man above an’Peter..’ ‘Yeah th’ first pope..’ ‘An suddenly like a big hot wave, didn’t I think a’ th’ poor wee lambs over in Louth..’ ‘ God, Gertie, I never..’ ‘An’ all their mothers an’ fathers!’ ‘God it’s a fright altogether! an’ all the other animals! all over in..’ ‘He said it was like a sacrifice! for th’ sins a’ society, th’ celtic tiger!’ ‘Wha’?’ ‘Though a’m not sure about that: ‘The man-above wouldn’t be that cruel, would he, Cissie..?’  ‘Gertie, it’s comin’ on meself now, th’ hot wave, like’! thinka th’ people over there, thereselves! God, will th’ ever recover?’ ‘Well, Cissie, let’s offer up our drinks the day f”r them all!!’ ‘Sure what more can we do?’ ‘God’s truth, Cissie! What more can any of us do!!’

6. RIDDLE    Which is more nourishingly real? Apostolic legends?

                     Eucharistic Community? Apocalyptic Fantasies?

2nd Sunday of Easter Cycle C 2022 (’01)


1. AA5:12-16

  • Read 4:32 – 5:16! Idealised presentation of the original ‘basic community’!

Especially the ‘communism’, the exceptional ‘symbiosis’, & the strong ‘Peter’!

  • What of the claim that ‘adultChristians’ are an endangered, even a vanishing,

species in Irish society, in terms of debate, social impact, & focussedness!

  • In 15 words, what is my local church actually ‘for, & struggling to actualise’?
  • How are the ‘hierarchical’ & ‘charismatic’ &’goddess’ elements interacting?
  • Why is the training&encouragment of ‘healers’ shirked and poohpoohed ?

2. THE PSALM: 117:2-4, 22-27

  • Read 117(118): 1-29! How is ‘YahwehPower’ active in & for a ‘disciple’?
  • ‘TheStone’. In what 20 Ways is Jesus ‘CornerStone’ of my local church?
  • Which other Divinities Icons Priorities Fears Obsessions vie for my attention?
  • Is it possible that JesusHimself is equivalently ‘rejected’ nowadays,

By being relegated to ‘TheThirdDivision’ of ‘Rhetoric&Devotion’?

By being trappt in a medieval mindset?

By being assiduously ‘Adored’ rather than ’Embodied’?

By being maintained as ‘ThePreserveOf’ Authority?

3. APOC1:9-13, 17-19 (What about v11? & vv14-16?)

  • The startingly-Jewish mindset of the author/s of APOC!
  • yet why is it still such a keytext (at least polemicaly!) for many christians?
  • Currently, who is writing the factors hidden in ‘OurSharedChaos’?
  • What are The12Agencies-of-Death in our socio-religious milieu? 

  4. N20:19-31

  • Some reflections on this undervalued narrative!
  • How do I as an adult, Understand&Experience ‘The Presence-of-Jesus!?
  • Is His’Sending&Breathing’ a once-off? Or each time he comes?
  • Is his ‘Sending&Breathing’ only for some, or for all disciples?
  • ‘SeeingTheLord!’ How am I being trained & encouraged in this?
  • Is ‘seeing’ believing? Or is ‘non-seeing’ believing? & What’s belief?

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

Yes, Thomas! Also called TheImpusive’ more so, let me add, than Kephas or the others could ever aspire to! Compared with Thomas’ passionate ardour, they were mere waterlogged boats! Only Magdalene perhaps, was as sudden as me! She like a serpent, I like an eagle! so we rarely sought the other’s company .. People say, ‘Impulsive Thomas, so strange! Imagine being absent when TheMaster returned. & Blurting out that bravado about TheSacredWounds! How conceited, how overweening!!’They envy me my free spirit, as they envy Magdalene’s too.Yes I can admit that! They also fear lest I did put my hand into His Side! so awesome&intimate! & maybe thereupon endowed with unimaginable power! Knowledge or healing or even the secret of gold! They never ask the eagle,they have the horror on them of finding the truth! or being refused the truth! They prefer to speculate in mutterings, with impunity as they think! not realising what happened! more than the story, less than the story! only for whispering to those who seek my regard! &Who are these among the anxious brood? except perhaps Magdalene herself. . .

6. RIDDLE My local church! Confident Frightened Passe Confused or Struggling?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

Easter Sunday Cycle C 2022 (’01)


1.  AA10:34, 37-43

  • Read 10:1-48! TheLeaderOfTheTwelve takes an exemplary initiative!
  • Peter’s KerygmaHomilyApologia!

            What would most impress a potential ‘convert’

            What would be questionable, or based on little or no ‘evidence’?

            That ‘eating&drinking’. Where do I also experience such ‘intimacy’?

            Isn’t Peter very restrained about ‘blaming’ anyone for what happened?

2.  THE PSALM  117:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 (A pitiable shred! &For Easter too!)

  • Read 117(118):1-29! TheShout-with-Others of one-rescued-by-Yahweh!
  • What 20Favours should my local church be grateful to ‘Yahweh’ for?
  • In what ways is ‘Yahweh’sLove-Love-for-Us’ different from that of TheOtherGods?

3.  Col3:1-4

  • Read 2:8-3:17! What niche is there in me, for this ‘esoteric worldview’, along with AddictionObsessionTVMoneyKeepingFitParanoiaEroticismStressNarcissismPassiveEntertainmentHobbiesAvoidanceDebtsGuiltAmbitionRegret(wow!)?

4.  1COR 6-8

  • Read 5:1-13! Why is Paul so insistently ‘puritanical’ in this regard?
  • To what extent have the IrishChristianChurches refused to address the rampant exploitation of the sexual susceptibilities especially of adolescents?

5.  JN20:1-9

  • Read 20:1-18! Who ‘saw’ what? &With what ‘affect’?
  • If my local church is ‘TheBodyOfTheLord’, what are the incontrovertible signs?
  • How is the ‘StruggleOfTwoDisciples’ mirrored in my local church?
  • How do I explain to enquirers, Jesus’ ‘RisingFromTheDead’?

6.  The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Something I’ve always been curious about..’ ThePractisingSkeptic invariably began tentatively!’How Peter & the other disciple didn’t see the angels that Mary saw only minutes earlier! TheOfficialBeliever nodded sagely with pursed lips & a glance at fingernails, ‘You’re actually asserting this, that the sacred writer only divulges a fragment of what obtained then&there! &only those aspects of immediate concern to catechesis&faith! Other latent truths are only gradually brought into the light by ‘The Magisterium, &those competent periti who offer TheAuthenticTeachers the fruits of their labour…’ ‘all that sounds too neat! &Avoids the issue…’  ‘No issue is avoided by Christ’sChurchOnEarth!’ ‘For instance! Were there two alleged tombs? Were two different legends woven together? Was it necessary to rehabilitate…’ ‘ When will you realise how shallow&fatuous all that is! Not to mention the soupcon of blasphemy! The inspired narrative offers a rich exposé of the simple faith of those early disciples! adequate&inerrant&truthful! Sour-grapes criticism will never subvert God’sWord proclaiming TheResurrection! That’s the long & the short of it!’ ‘But how can you sit there, &trot out…’  ‘ It’s your freethinkers who’ve trotted out of TheTrueChurch! Simple as that! But I’ve not ceased to storm Heaven for you! Like the other disciple, lookAgain! &Peter will finally confirm your faith!!’

  1. RIDDLE   ‘TheEasterRising! Yes, but which one? 1916? TheSap-in-Nature?

                               Irish Moral Standards? Tempers in CertainDisputes?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

Passion (also called Palm) Sunday Cycle C 2022 (’01)

SUN10APR2022 (2001): PASSION(also called PALM) SUNDAY


1. ISS50:4-7

  • Read TheSongsOfYahweh’s Slave! 42:1-9; 49:1-7; 50:4-9; 52:13-53:12!
  • What especially characterises TheSpeaking&Listening of a ‘YahwehDisciple’?
  • What aspect of the disciple’s praxis attracts this contemptuous treatment?
  • Where (&by-whom) in my world are Yahweh’sDisciples so scurrilously used?
  • &And are not women-disciples pf ‘Yahweh’ similarly demeaned?
  • ‘Cos I’m invited to think of many others than Jesus, as ‘TheSufferingServant’!
  • What encouragement or training am I offered, so as to endure persecution?
  • What if ‘domestic violence’ is a form of ‘persecution’ largely dissimulated?

2. THE PSALM. 21;8-9, 17-20, 23-24 (Another eviscerated psalm!)

  • Read 21(22) 1-31! One of the greatest ‘Trust-in-Yahweh” psalms! But will Yahweh actually respond in a concrete&effectual manner? Or tarry on HisThrone?
  • Are Yahweh’s enemies more clear-eyed&realistic about His actual ‘Weakness’?
  • Again, is there any place for women-sufferers in this male diatribe?
  • Indeed, is there an implicit assertion, Salvation is man’s-business!’?
  • ‘My God, My God!’ Jesus’ protest at being abandoned by TheBlessedOne?
  • Or the beginning of AfternoonPrayer? Or the riddle of TheBeloved’s sordid end?

3. PHIL2:6-11

  • Read 2:1-18! But can Paul guarantee ‘The Mind of Jesus’ in his converts?
  • But does the hymn quoted in this excerpt actually represent ‘The Mind of Jesus’?
  • Will the semi-mystical tone serve to make me somewhat wary&ironic?
  • Why is Paul so ‘enthusiastic’ about Jesus’ ‘death-by-Crucifixion’?
  • ‘The Name!’: The salient name? Yahweh/TheLord! TheOneWhoBringsOutOfEgypt!

4. LK2214 -23,56 Abbreviated PassionNarrative)

  • Read 19:29 – 24-35 The narrative tapestry of HisExodus-in-Jerusalem!
  • What about LK’s reputation? A Gospel that highlights ‘women’! &TheTwoCups!
  • TheTwoSwords! TheAngel-of-the-Agony! TheGoodThief! TheFinalShout!
  • How does LK especially portray

                        The ‘disciples’ of Jesus, both men&women?

                        Those hostile to Jesus, in particular the religious leaders?

5. The Presence&Action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Well, there’s a Palm Sunda’ round’ again! Didja carry y’r palm F’r….. “It’s changed t’ Passion Sunda’ now, he tol’ us! In honour of…’ ‘Passion? How come Passion’? D’ya mean,  

‘Looka, even if y’are a socialist an’ all!! It’s Our Lord’s Sacred Passion, he said!’  ‘I didn’t mean no bull, but they’re always choppin’ an’ changin”! Not like in th’ oul’ Canon’s day! Things were more regimental then!’ ‘Begod y’re right! Regimental! D’ya remember…’ ‘But y’ knew where y’ stood! Not like now!’ ‘ .’…he’d shout, “Houl’ up them palms comrades! An’ join ‘Im  in ‘Is march t’ free th’ Oppressed!” …’No master plan at all, that’s what I surmise! No strategy, just choppin’ an’ …’ ‘ Every day a’ Holy Week, he’d stan’ there…’ ‘No wonder I took me walkin’ papers! Like a crowd a’ headless…’ ‘ Well let them! When I go, it’s f’r him! So I gave it a good hike up in the air! An’ shouted his words inside a’ me! There was a tear in me eye, but it was f’r him, an’ the man above!  ‘Ah, boys a’ boys! Let’s drink t’ that ! Him an’ the man above!!’

RIDDLE: What is Jesus witnessing? TruthJusticeLovdeCouragePatienceLife?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

5th Sunday in Lent Cycle C 2022 (’01)

Sunday 3rd April 2022 (’01) : 5thSUNinLENT : C

1. Is43·16-21

  • Read IS42:5 – 44.8! Selfpresentation of Yahweh-of-Sinai to TbeExiles in Babylon! prommising a ‘NewExodus’ (modeled on ‘TheFirstExodus-fromEgypt’)!
  • ‘ANewDeed!‘: Has OldRoncalli’s call for ‘Aggiornamento‘ achieved anything?
  • Other than increased authoritarianism, medievalism, rhetoric, &apathy?
  • If the essential ‘Weakness of Yahweh’ is concealed by bullish ‘god-talk?
  • &If boastful ‘YahwehOracles’ are taken as ‘factual’ rather than ‘wishful thinking’?

2. THE PSALM: 125:1-6

  • Read 1IS44 2145.17! What? Yahweh called CyrusTheMede as a ‘NewMoses’?
  • What would equal nowadays, TheRestoration ofYahweh’sPeople from Exile, by the Yahweh-inspired Initative of a ‘pagan’?
  • What if Yahweh’sContemporaryPeople don’t perceive themselves ‘InExile?
  • Which Individuals&Groups in my local church are ‘SufferingExile’?
  • Especially by being denied access to important resources (Which ones, I pray you?)!
  • What rituals are we creating, so as to restore ‘exiles’ to ‘fullness-ofpresence’?

3. PHIL3·8-14

  • ‘KnowingChristJesusMyLord‘ (Compare Archbishop Brady’s Motto)’!

What sorts of ‘knowledge’ do I have, of ChristJesus”‘

Would I regard all else as ‘Loss, Dung, &Refuse’, by comparison?

How am I being encouraged&enabled to ‘ShareHisDeath’?

Am I content that Paul here be understood ‘devotionally’?

‘Knowmg&BeinginChrist’! I mean, mightn’t that be sorta risky?

4 JN8·1-ll

  • What ‘interpretations’ have I been given for this ambivalent narrative?
  • Apart from ‘the woman’, are all the others in the story, men?
  • What other biblical stories are evoked? (Read GEN38! DAN13/Susanna)
  • What is the radical question being posed in this narrative?
  • Why is there such appetite in our world for all kinds of ‘condemnation’?
  • ‘Adultery!: Read DT22! EZEK16! Why 1s ‘TheLawOfMoses’ so harsh?
  • ‘Test!’: How is this happening nowadays? &To whom? &With what effect?
  • In 100 words, how will ‘the woman’ describe ‘the inner&outer’ of it all?

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

‘Yeah, I was above this morinin’! the usual givin’-out.’ ‘Drink drugs an’ sex, I s’pose” ‘No, the woman taken in adult’ry!’ ‘What’d he mean be...’ ‘Seems this woman was caught, well, like…’ Like Lady-Somethin’-or-other, I pizzoom!’ ‘Anyway, they put on their crowns an’ gowns, dragged her along th’ side a’ th’ temple tJesus.. ‘ ‘Annoyin’ Him as-perusual!’ ‘An’ said, bold-as-brass, “No shillyshally! Shouldn’t she be crushed wit’ heavy stones...!”..‘ ‘God, them’s some tulips t’ be..‘Accordin’ t’ Moses?” ‘ ‘Nowadays, if y’ go be what y’ hear, thheavystone-brigade ‘d be kep’ busy!’ ‘But that’s what the-man-above said, “Any of yous in th’ gowns, or me-own crowd either, who thinks they’re without sin, take this stone here, ancrush her skull!'” Begod! A great showstopper! like somethin’ th’ oul’ Canon ‘d come up with” Aw y’re right! He was taken from us, but! Just as things was really gointth’ dogs!!

6 RIDDLE  The best prize of all! Heaven? Selfrealisation?

Preferment? Justification?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

4th Sunday of Lent Cycle C 2022 (’01)

Sunday 27th March 2022 4thSUNinLENT : C

1. JOSH5·9-12

  • Read 5·1-12! Entering Canaan’ another realisation of TheParting-of-TheSea!
  • Circumcision of the ‘wilderness males’! another Consecration-to-Yahweh’
  • The ‘Shame-of-Egypt’ is removed for the men! but what of the women?
  • Why is it said three-times in this excerpt, that they ate food from Canaan?
  • TheManna stoppt falling! What is hinted here? Blessing or curse? (Read EXOD16!)
  • When&how did I reject mollycoddling, &become an adultChristian?
  • &Ifl I settle in ‘Canaan’, can I still ‘love-Yahweh-with-all-my-heart’?

2. THE PSALM: 33:2-7

  • Read 33(34):1-22! Enthusiastic testimony of one-devoted-to-Yahweh,

about HisCare&Protection! But is He ‘inside-like-breath’? Or ‘outside-like-a-king’?

  • What does Yahweh benefit from all the adulation&impetration?
  • Is Discerning&SpeakingTruth encouraged (or not!) in myChurch&Commumty?
  • How do I imagine ‘praying for favours’ actually ‘works’?
  • In my local church, what is the palpable equivalent of ‘Yahweh/TheLord’?
  • ‘Terror !’· What are ‘TheTwelveSorts-of-Terror’ that assail me as an adult?

3. 2COR5·17-21

  • Read 4:1 – 6:12! His strikingly-enthusiastic apologia as a preacher!
  • Can I express in 35 words my Understanding&Experience of being ‘In-Christ’?
  • “‘Reconciliation!’: Is this easier ‘between-us&God’, or ‘between-us&others’?
  • How am I valuing&attaining ‘reconciliation’ between disparate parts of myself?
  • “‘Sin!’: How could even ‘God’ make ‘TheSinLessOne (Himself?) into Sin’?
  • TheGoodnessOfGod! Us? what an extravagant illusion! Or maybe we’re showing it?

4. LK15.1-3, 11-32

  • What other ‘Father&TwoSons’ stories in TheBible?
  • What interpretations have I been given for this Jesus-narrative?
  • Is there an impression too, that ‘Father&SonTransactions’ are paramount?
  • Which of these three men is most biblical, most realistic, most cunning?
  • “If the property was actually ‘divided’, why is the elder son so ‘impoverished’?
  • Imagine a very frank exchange between these three very self-centred men’

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

Mam droppt Effie at the little farmhouse for her regular Thursday-visit! &as she began the awkward awkard of turning the LandRover in the street, Gran waved her to hold it! ‘Madge, I nearly forgot’ How’s Samantha after her hard bout a’ flu? she musta been weeks…’ ‘Gran, she’s really bounced back’ She’s put on so much condition, in fact, she laffs, “I’ve got like the fatted calf! I better watch, or they’ll feed me to the younger son!”, that’s Boysie’s brother, who’s an even worse pain-in-the­ winda’ than Boysie!’ &Off she sped in a hall of gravel! Back in the kitchen, Effie waited til Gran set out the stuff for the ritual making-of-bread ! Then she moved her give-out! ‘Gran!’ ‘Yes, luveen?’ ‘The fatted calf? Why’d Sam think they’d feed her to Midgie?’ ‘In the old days, the people kept a special calf, in case someone important turned up an’ had to be fed!’ ‘Or a chickkie, or a nice loafie?’ ‘Yes’ an’ Jesus said that God has a special..’ ‘Fatted herinn’, Gran?’ ‘…for you, Effie.. ‘ ‘..an’ you, Gran!’ ‘. not just a fatted calf or herrin’…’ … but a fatted everythin’! great great!!’

6. RIDDLE  TheFather! FoolKnaveSaintDitherer, or what?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

3rd Sunday of Lent Cycle C 2022 (’01)

                          Sunday 20th March 2022 (’01)   3rd. Sunday in Lent

1. EXOD3, 1-8, 13-15

  • Read 3: 1-22! What! Two narrative-divinities in TheBush, Yahweh/TheLord& Elohim/God, each with a different ‘agenda?’ (‘Holiness’ & ‘Freedom’)
  • Is that ‘blazing unburnt tree’ merely to attract him? Or something much deeper?
  • Does this storyteller try to create the impression that ‘God’ & ‘TheLord’ are one?
  • TheBurningUnconsumedBush!

                What aspect of my adult experience is evoked by this?

                 Is TheBush linked with one or both of The Trees in TheGarden? (GEN 2/3)

                  Are there any other similarly-ambivalant biblical images?

2. THE PSALM : 102: 1-4, 6-8, 11

  • Read 102(103): 1-22! Some important imagining of ‘Yahweh!’
  • Is it better to praise a divinity for this or that, or find it embodied in myself?
  • ‘Ways&Deeds!’ : Yahweh’s moral priorities, to be ‘behaved,’ not just ‘sung!’
  • If ‘Yahweh’ is CompassionateLovePatienceMercy, what’s preventing me from action?

3. 1COR10: 1-6, 10-12

  • Read 10:1-11:1! Was he aware of the extent to which ‘TheOtherGods’ permeated the totality of CorinthianSociety? & How powerful and deep-rooted they were?
  • Read EXOD32/TheGoldenCalf! Numbers11/TheComplaining! N14/ TheRevoltAtParan! N16/Korah&Dathen&Abiram! N21/TheBronzeSerpent! N25/BaalPeor!
  • What about a religion that’s so full of (largely-futile) dire-warnings?
  • In 35words, what is my ‘spirituality?’ How is it being nourished & pruned & renewed?

4. LK13 1-9

  • Is there a hint that those Galileans died because they hadn’t ‘repented?’
  • What connection can I see, between ‘not repenting’ & ‘perishing?’
  • Repentence! Active change-of-heart away from TheOtherGods to embody Yahweh?
  • ‘Perish!’ From Yahweh’s point of view, Not-to-have- EmbodiedHim is a wasted life!
  • Fruit!
  • Am I expecting fruit from myself or others, without making provision?
  • How can I expect fruit without PatientCongruentStrenuousAction?
  • ‘TheGardener’ is more compassionate than ‘TheOwner!’

5. The presence & action of the BlessedOne, is it like this? 

‘Let there be no prevarication! No mealymouthedness! TheHolySeason-of-Lent is unquestionably an invitation to Change-of-heart!’ The OfficialBeliever nodded in quiet satisfaction! This assertion was unassailable! ‘An admirable sentiment!’

The PractisingSceptic drily concurred! ‘But whatHeart! & whatChange, I pray? & Is it purely & simply a matter of getting the formulation right, & bob’s-your-uncle?’ ‘Try for once not to be offensive..’ ‘Offensive? What is more offensive than your own pompous imagining, that so-called ‘AdultChristians’ will desire, or manage, to throw-off the very real shackles of TheOtherGods! Just because your gobbledegook.’

‘Permesso! Do me the honour of admitting that I speak, not only with authority, but with power to…’ ‘If you please! & if you’re able! Leave TheMiddleAges, & step into TheThirdMillenium!’ ‘TheSon-of-Man transcends…’  ‘Perhaps! But you don’t! No one takes any heed…’ ‘Vade retro Satana! Nunquam saude mihi vana…!’

6. Riddle:            Which is more fruitful? ThreatWarningPromiseExampleInspirationRevelation?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie

2nd Sunday of Lent Cycle C 2022 (’01)

                                                Sunday 13th March 2022 (’01)      2nd Sunday of Lent Year C

                                                            ADBI notes from Sun 11th.March 2001

1. Gen 15.5-12, 17-18 (vv13-16, something too blatant?)

  • Read 15 1-21! A nomadic charter! The fantasy of becoming a ‘settled people’ through
  • The Promises&Exertions of their intimately-bonded divinity!
  • Nile-to-Euphrates! Would the indigenous peoples  have to leave, die, or be enslaved?
  • Why do the ‘patriarchal’ narratives portray such a ‘user-friendly-Yahweh?’
  • In contrast, say, to the moody unfrabjous divinity of the ‘exodus’ stories?
  • ‘Justified!’ : If I am totally-rooted-in-Yahweh, I am thereby ‘right-with-Him!’
  • How do ‘YahwehConversations’ (as in this story) take place nowadays?
  • The techniques&symbolisms&theatrics of ‘Covenant,’ where are they for me?

2. THE PSALM 26.1, 7-9, 13-14

  • Read 26(27) 1-14! TheShoutSong of the totally-committed to TheMoodyOne!
  • Or is it also just another of TheTemple’s rhetorical flourishes? (Read IS6!)
  • What about a world,

           Where night (apart from full moon) was darkness-enveloped?

           Where ‘normal life’ was at risk from marauders famines plagues?

            Where ‘philosophy’ and ‘science’ were unavailable, for ‘alternative answers!’

           Where a religious elite basically unaccountable, basically ran the show?

           Where dreams feelings symptoms accidents failures were ‘spirit-induced!’

3. PHIL3. 17-4:1 (Why is a shorter form offered?)

  • Read1 1-4:23 Glimpse of the Vicissitudes of Preachers&theirCommunities!
  • Is this English Version (Jerusalem) somewhat starchy&euphemistic?
  • In my world, what are The10Characteristics of ‘AnEnemyofChrist’sCross?
  • What about Paul’s 4BriefPreacher’sBites concerning them?
  • In what sense can ‘TheLordJesusChrist’ subdue TheWholwUniverse?
  • ‘Faithful-in-the-Lord!’  What above-all enables me to behave in my world as Jesus did in His? & is this important  resource scarce, or renewable?

4. LUKE 28-36

  • Read 9:1-62 Narrative tableau exploring the disciple’s ambivilant  many-sidedness.
  • ‘Moses&Elijah!’  Two blocks of extremely varied and overflattered narratives!
  • ‘Mountain!’ Every mountain is Sinai! & Whoever climbs it Frees-from-Egypt!
  • What indications in this narrative, that Jesus is ‘TheOneWhoIsToCome?’
  • Why does Peter seemingly want to ‘retain’ Moses&Elijah with them?
  • Did the early desciples find it difficult to accept that ‘JesusAloneSuffices?
  • But have i too been enabled & encouraged to ‘TransformHim’ into-my-now?
  • What significant ‘ transformational factors’ did the desciples endure there?

5. The presence&action of the BlessedOne, is it like this?

Amen! TheNew&EternalCovenant-of-the-BlessedOne! Made in This-One’s blood&Breath&Bone! Consummated all the days & all the nights! Between Yochanaan’s

Shout-at-Jordan & This-One’sShout-at-Golgotha! TheTwoPlaces-of-GreatBreath! & like

FullMoon between TheTwoBeginnings, Moment-of-Stillness, Moment-of-Fire! On Holy Thabor, Mountain-of-Ascents, TheAngel-of-TheAncestralPilgrims embraced This-One!

TheBirth&Death-of-This-One into TheKiss-of-Shekinah! TheLongedFor, TheUnimaginable The Unlosable!  TheSeal-of-Total-Investment-of-TheName! Amen!

6. RIDDLE    Which ‘ExodusImage’ is paramount? WildernessRamCovenantSea MountainTestingCloudComplainingFireSerpentTentFlood?

Refections and comments can be emailed to adbi@chokmah.ie